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The Newly Revised “Heads Up: Brain Injury in Your Practice” Tool Kit will be Available June 2007!

Heads Up:  Brain Injury in Your Practice Tool Kit

image of TBI Tool Kit coverAt least 1.4 million people sustain traumatic brain injuries in this country every year. Of those, approximately 1.1 million, or 75 percent, sustain a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Yet, many are not hospitalized or receive no medical care at all. An unknown proportion of those who are not hospitalized may experience long-term problems such as persistent headache, pain, fatigue, vision or hearing problems, memory problems, confusion, sleep disturbances, or mood changes.   

The CDC, working with a number of partners, has developed a new physician tool kit to improve clinical diagnosis and management of MTBI. Physicians can play a key role in helping to reduce the occurrence of MTBI by educating patients and the community about risks and injury prevention.

Heads Up: Brain Injury in Your Practice, is now available free of charge. The kit contains practical, easy-to-use clinical information, patient information in English and Spanish, scientific literature, and a CD-ROM. To order a free copy, complete the publications order form.

CDC's Injury Center invites your comments about the Heads Up: Brain Injury in Your Practice Tool Kit.  We are especially interested in knowing the elements you found most useful and your recommendations for ways to improve the tool kit.  To provide comments, please use our contact form or e-mail us at

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Page last modified: June 01, 2007