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National Office of Public Health Genomics
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Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
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ACCE: A CDC-Sponsored Project Carried Out by the Foundation for Blood Research

Genomics and the Future of Public Health Symposium

Poster Session
May 5, 2003

Web-based presentations

Bruce Lin

Lin B, Yoon P.
Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention, NCEH
GDPInfo: Genomics and Disease Prevention Information System.
Presented by: Bruce Lin

M. Reyes

Reyes M, Driskell K, Silver N.
Hereditary Hemochromatosis: Preventing Chronic Disease by Promoting Early Detection and Treatment.
Presented by: Michele Reyes

National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey DNA bank

Agelli M, Porter KS, McQuillan GM, Kington RS.
National Center for Health Statistics
Consent to future research, including genetic research, of adult participants in 1999 NHANES.

Lindegren ML, CDC Working Group.
Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention, NCEH
NHANES III DNA bank: prevalence of gene variants of public health significance.

Steinberg KK, Gallagher ML, Bernert JT, Sampson EJ, Satten G, Khoury MJ, Lindegren ML, Richter PA, Pechacek TF, Tyndale RF, Shields PG, Swan GE.
Molecular Biology Branch, Division of Environmental Health Laboratory Science, NCEH
NHANES III DNA bank: genetic variation and cotinine levels.

Genetic testing

Palomaki G, Bradley L, Haddow J.
Foundation for Blood Research and Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention, NCEH
ACCE: a model process for evaluating DNA tests.

Lubin IM 1, Berger D 1,2, Reed EK 1,2, Andersson H 3, Krousel-Wood M 3, McGovern MM 4.
PHPPO 1, ASPH 2, Tulane University Schools of Medicine and Public Health 3, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine 4
From test requisition to result interpretation: challenges and opportunities to improve molecular genetic testing.

W.A. Faucett

Faucett WA 1,2, Lubin AM 1, Howard SM 1, Henderson J 3.
PHPPO 1, ATPM 2, Dartmouth Medical School 3
A Genetic Education Tool: Genetics in Clinical Practice: A Team Approach.
Presented by: Andrew Faucett

Reed EK 1,2 , Prue C 3, Lubin IM 1.
The news media as an avenue for informing the public about genetic testing: what messages are being communicated?

Genetics and children's health

Edmonds L.
Centers for Birth Defects Research and Prevention, NCBDDD
The national birth defects prevention study.

Botto LD 1, May K 2, Fernhoff PM 1,2, Correa A 1, Coleman K 3, Rasmussen S 1, Merritt RK 3, O'Leary LA 1, Wong LY 1, Elixson EM 3, Mahle WT 3, Campbell RM 3.
1 NCBDDD; 2 Division of Medical Genetics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA;
3 Sibley Heart Center, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA

A population-based study of the 22q11.2 deletion: phenotype, incidence, and contribution to major birth defects in the population.

Siffel c 1, Cagan J 1, Gambrell F 1, Wong LY 1,2, Correa A1.
Prevalence of Down syndrome in Atlanta between 1990 and 1999. 

Ford C, Meredith NK.
A new era in newborn screening - saving lives, improving outcomes.

Dott M 1,2, Chace D 3, Fierro M 4,5, Kalas T 3, Hannon H 6, Williams J 1,2, Wolf K 1, Rasmussen S 2.
1EIS , EPO; DBDDD , 2NCBDDD; 3Neo Gen Screening , Inc, Bridgeville, PA; 4Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia Department of Health, Richmond, VA; 5 Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia Campus, Richmond, VA; 6DLS, NCEH.
The contribution of selected metabolic diseases to early childhood deaths.

Kenneson A, Carey J, Costa P.
NCBDDD and the University of Utah
All ears: a multi-state investigation of the epidemiology of hearing loss in infants and young children.

Genetics and chronic disease prevention

M. Scheuner

Yoon P, Scheuner M, Khoury MJ.
Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention, NCEH
Family History for Preventive Medicine and Public Health.
Presented by: Maren Scheuner

Redmond-Leonard J, Hall I.
Chronic disease prevention and genetics.

Labarthe D.
Division of Adult and Community Health, NCCDPHP
Genomics and cardiovascular health.

Morris JM1, Mannino D1, Brown AS1, Bray MS2.
1 Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch, Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, NCEH
2University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas

Beta-2 adrenergic receptor Arg16Gly polymorphism and asthma in African-Americans.

Mueller P, Cordovado S, Hendrix M, Simone A, Gragg H, Neely L, Azran Y.
Molecular Biology Branch, Division of Environmental Health Laboratory Science, NCEH
Genetic risk factors for kidney disease and type 1 diabetes: the GoKinD study.

Whistler T, Vernon SD, Unger ER, Nisenbaum R, Reeves WC.
Viral Exanthems and Herpes Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, CDC
Gene expression profiles in chronic fatigue syndrome.

Gene-environment interactions

Presented by Erin McCanlies

McCanlies E, Weston A.
Health Effects Laboratory Division, NIOSH
Multi-Disciplinary, Inter-Divisional NIOSH Beryllium Research Project: Chronic Beryllium Disease.
Presented by:  Erin McCanlies

Presented by Ansley Weston

Keshava C, Whipkey DL, Weston A.
Health Effects Laboratory Division, NIOSH
Differential Induction of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 in Normal Human Mammary Cells Exposed to Benzo[a]pyrene.
Presented by: Ainsley Weston

Williamson D.
Case-control study of environmental exposures and genetic susceptibility in individuals with multiple sclerosis in three geographic areas.

Host genetic factors in infectious diseases

N.J. Morey

Morey NJ 1, Shaw MW 2, Sanchez A 3, Rubin DH 4, Sheng J 4, Dawson CD 1, Hodge TW 1
1HIV Immunology and Diagnostics Branch, Division of AIDS, STD, and TB Laboratory Research, NCID
2Influenza Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, NCID
3Special Pathogens Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, NCID.
4Department of Research Medicine, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA.

Probing Host-Pathogen Interactions by Gene Trapping.
Presented by: N.J. Morey

Li M, Song R, Masciotra S, Soriano V, Spira TJ, Limpakarnjanarat K, Young NL, Mastro TD, Lal RB, Yang C.
Immunology Branch, Division of AIDS, STD, and TB Laboratory Research, NCID
Distribution of CCR2b and CCR5 human haplotypes and their relative contributions to HIV-1 resistance and disease progression.

Udhayakumar V1, Escalante A1, Mirel LB1, and Kariuki, S2.
1Molecular Vaccine Section, Immunology Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases, NCID and 2Vector Biology and Control Research Centre, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kisumu, Kenya.

Host genes and malaria

Brouwer KC, Lal RB, Mirel LB, Yang C, Van Eijk AM, Ayisi J, Otieno J, Nahlen B, Steketee R, Shi YP.
Molecular Vaccine Section, Division of Parasitic Diseases, NCID
The impact of Fc receptor IIa for IgG (Fc-gamma-IIa) polymorphism on malaria and HIV susceptibility in western Kenya.

Page last reviewed: June 8, 2007 (archived document)
Page last updated: November 2, 2007
Content Source: National Office of Public Health Genomics
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