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All Health A-Z Results: 21-30 of 34 Web Pages
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FEMA for Kids: Games Page

There are lots of games for kids on this site. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designed this games site for kids to have fun and learn about preparing for a disaster and what to do in c... Details >

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Helping Children and Adolescents Cope With Violence and Disasters

This booklet describes the impact of violence and disasters on children and adolescents, with suggestions for minimizing long-term emotional harm. ... Details >

National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health

Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma  External Link

Also available in: French  Spanish   External Link

Disasters are upsetting to everyone involved. For a child, his or her view of the world as a safe and predictable place is temporarily lost. This brochure provides parents with some suggestions for he... Details >

American Red Cross, National Headquarters  External Link

People with Disabilities: Disaster  External Link

This page contains information designed to assist people with disabilities and medical concerns to prepare for disasters.... Details >

American Red Cross, National Headquarters  External Link

Phases of Traumatic Stress Reactions in a Disaster

This fact sheet describes the immediate impact, immediate post-disaster, and recovery phases of reactions to disasters.... Details >

National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link is designed to help you and your family prepare for natural and human-caused disasters. The Web site provides disaster preparedness materials in English and multiple foreign languages from... Details >

American Red Cross, National Headquarters  External Link

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security promotes individual emergency preparedness through the Ready Campaign and Citizen Corps as part of a broader national effort conducted by the Department's Prep... Details >

Department of Homeland Security

Regional Disaster Information Center: Electronic Documents Page  External Link

This page provides access to disaster related electronic documents. The page links to documents about disaster management, chemical accidents, humanitarian assistance, training, anthropic disaster, di... Details >

Regional Disaster Information Center  External Link

Self-Care Tips for Survivors of a Traumatic Event: : What to Expect in Your Personal, Family, Work, and Financial Life

The impact of a disaster or traumatic event goes far beyond the immediate devastation caused by the initial destruction. This fact sheet cites examples of personal uncertainties, family relationship c... Details >

Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Tips for Talking About Disasters

This page provides tips on talking about disasters to teachers, children and adolescents, adults, families, and emergency and disaster response workers.... Details >

Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch, Center for Mental Health Services  External Link