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College Prep >Academic Preparation News and Publications

Continue the Journey - Preparing for graduate study at UC

"Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships at UC: Future Directions," presentation by Vice President of Educational Outreach Winston Doby to UC Regents, Nov. 17, 2004

Archives, Reports and Presentations

"Forging California’s Future through Educational Partnerships: Redefining Educational Outreach" - Final Report of the Strategic Review Panel on UC Educational Outreach, Feb. 2003

Undergraduate Access to the University of California After the Elimination of Race-Conscious Policies, March 2003

Expanding Educational Opportunity - A comprehensive status report on UC Academic Preparation and K-12 Improvement Programs published in Fall 2001.

End-of-Year Outreach Reporting - Annual updates on UC/K-12
     school partnerships:  1998-99  1999-2000  2000-01
Community College Transfer Annual Report (2002)
UC's strategic plan for outreach, a presentation to the UC
     Board of Regents, given by Karl S. Pister, Senior Associate
     to the President (September 1998;
Evaluation of academic preparation programs by the Policy
     Analysis for California Education (January 1997)
Outreach Task Force recommendations to assure that the
University remain accessible to students of diverse
     backgrounds (July 1997)


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