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Campus Academic Programs

Summer Session

Engineering and Computer Science

Physical and
Biological Sciences

Arts and Humanities

Social Sciences

Professional Schools:
Health Professions
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Washington Center

UC Division of Academic Affairs

Academics Home

  Academics > Campus Academic Programs

Academic study areas on University of California campuses span more than 150 disciplines, one of the broadest ranges of study of any university in the world. More UC academic programs are consistently rated among the top 10 nationally than any other public or private university.

Los Angeles
San Diego (programs and departments)
San Francisco
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz

Campus General Catalogs
Academic Calendars

Graduate Studies

UC boasts some of the top graduate programs in the nation, which inspire independence and originality of thought in the pursuit of knowledge. With approximately 42,000 graduate students, UC produces 7 percent of the nation's Ph.D.s annually.
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz

Additional information about applying to a UC graduate program is located on the admissions pages of this web site.

Find out which campuses offer the graduate program you're interested in: Graduate degree program inventory

Preparing for Advanced Study at UC
Promoting Diversity in Graduate and Professional Education
Graduate Education: Investing in California's Future

California Virtual Campus - information about online courses and other services offered by California's colleges and universities. This catalog can be sorted by school or topic.

Systemwide Division of Academic Affairs


A New Campus
for a New Century

Opened 2005, UC Merced is the nation's first new public research university built in the 21st century.

UC Teaching, Learning and Technology Center

TLtC is a virtual center-without-walls that makes campus and faculty efforts in the development and use of teaching and learning technologies available to other students and educators beyond a single classroom or department.

UC Writing Institute
UC Write

The UC Writing Institute (UCWRITE) presents information about the teaching of writing on UC campuses and offers a wide array of resources for prospective and current UC students, parents, high school and college instructors, educational administrators, and anyone else with an interest in college composition.

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