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Document Conversion

  • OCR/Coding/Indexing Services
  • Digitizing Services

  • Electronic Imaging Services
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  • UNICOR has over thirty-five years of experience supporting both military and civilian agencies and their contractors in data entry and document conversion. UNICOR operations have evolved over time, so that today UNICOR manages seven document conversion centers, which employ over 800 skilled workers. Additional centers will be opened and operational in the very near future. Current locations provide a wide variety of conversion services, including:

    • Scanning (both standard and large format)
    • OCR and complete OCR cleanup
    • Image cleanup and enhancement
    • Document indexing
    • Tagging for PDF, HTML, SGML, and XML

    UNICOR processes a diverse range of work: environmental impact statements, file folders for document management systems, nationwide invoice records for a centralized vehicle maintenance database, and hundreds of thousands of pages for incorporation into an agency's unified decision tracking system.

    Currently, UNICOR focuses on:

    • Technical manuals and technical drawings
    • Patents for electronic publishing
    • Conversions for document and records management systems
    • Backfile conversion of legacy data
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