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National Office of Public Health Genomics
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What's New in HuGENet
July 2008

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 HuGE News
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An article on the SchizophreniaGene non-gov warning icon database (SzGene), Systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis of genetic association studies in schizophrenia: the SzGene database, was recently published in Nature Genetics. The SzGene database displays key characteristics, including genotype distributions, from individual genetic association studies as well as the results of continually updated meta-analyses. Genetic associations with statistically significant meta-analyses in the SzGene database were graded in this article using the interim guidelines for assessing the cumulative evidence on genetic associations developed by HuGENet™.


 HuGE Review Update

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One new HuGE Review has been registered with HuGENet™ since the last issue of the ‘What's New’:

 Overview of the HuGE Navigator Database
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As of July 9, 2008, the HuGE Navigator non-gov warning icon contains 35,344 research studies, referencing 3,719 genes,and 1,935 health outcomes/diseases. Both epidemiologic studies and review articles can be found in the database which includes 71 HuGE Reviews and 773 meta-analyses.

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Page last updated: July 17, 2008
Content Source: National Office of Public Health Genomics