[NIFL-FAMILY:3308] Great news for Family Literacy: Thursday Notes, 12/28/00

From: Nancy Sledd (nsledd@famlit.org)
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 12:39:07 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:3308] Great news for Family Literacy: Thursday Notes, 12/28/00
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 From the Desk of Ronald S. Pugsley, Director, DAEL
 Office of Vocational and Adult Education
 Editor: Sarah Newcomb       Production: Rose Tilghman
  December 28, 2000

 Even Start Changes  In Appropriations Bill
  A reauthorization of Even Start through 2005 was included in the omnibus
appropriations legislation approved by Congress last week. The legislation
also boosted Even Start’s funding from $150M in FY 00 to $250M for FY 01.
Amendments include requiring states to “encourage” local education agencies
and schools receiving ESEA Title I funds to use them to offer family
literacy. The legislation further requires “a majority” of instructional
staff in Even Start family literacy programs to have a college degree in a
field related to early childhood, elementary/secondary or adult education
within four years of enactment of the statute. The new law also says states
must send the Secretary of Education the indicators of program quality used
to evaluate family literacy programs by June 30 in order to maintain their
eligibility for these funds.

 CTC’s Double;  Goodling Center At Penn State
  More good news from the FY 01 Labor/HHS/Education Appropriations bill: the
Community Technology Centers program more than doubles, up from $32.50M in
FY 00 to $69.95M this year. Details on any new competition will appear here
as they emerge. In other news, Pennsylvania State University gets $6M under
the legislation to establish the William F. Goodling Institute for Research
in Family Literacy and to establish its endowment fund.

 Former State Director  Talbert Joins DAEL
  Former Maryland State Director Charles Talbert moves to OVAE’s Division of
Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) January 8 to continue his work on a High
Skills Communities initiative to mobilize communities around lifelong
learning. Talbert leaves a branch chief slot with OVAE’s Division of
National Programs which handles Native American, Native Hawaiian and Alaska
Native education; vocational education for the Pacific region and Outlying
Areas; and supports education reform. Welcome, Charles! Contact

 Software Can  Help Use Learner  Performance Data
  Quality School Portfolio (QSP) software can help school personnel take a
range of data sets from external sources and reconfigure them into a single,
longitudinal, individual student progress record, said Dr. Eva Baker at the
Educational Testing Service recently. Dr. Baker and her colleagues at the
Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing have been
working on QSP applications allowing educators to disaggregate learners’
results to see how groups of students have done in various scenarios. The
system also can help develop reporting displays from simple graphs to icons
using a set of core indicators. Another component of Baker’s system can
answer questions on topics of local interest such as curriculum to help
programs with systematic self-assessment. Copies of Baker’s William H.
Angoff Memorial Lecture at ETS can be downloaded at

 A Fact Sheet from the Division of Adult Education and Literacy
 Office of Vocational and Adult Education
 OVAE Homepage http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/

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