From: Lynda Terrill (lterrill@cal.org)
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 09:14:25 EDT

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Dear colleagues,
 Here's a crossposting from the NIFL-ESL list that might be of interest:

 We have a couple of additions on the issue of learning disabilities and adults learning English:

There's a lot of talk these days about the prevalence of learning disabilities among adult learners -- with estimates going as high as 80 as to the percentage of these learners who may have learning disabilities. But what about the adult English language learners in the adult education system? How many of them have learning disabilities? When and how should they be assessed?  What kind of instruction will facilitate their language learning? 

 ESL Instruction and Adults withLearning Disabilities, the new digest from the National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education (NCLE) written by Robin Schwarz and Lynda Terrill addresses these questions. It offers suggestions for future directions and concludes with a bibliography both of print- and web-based  references and resources.  It's available from NCLE at the address below, from ncle@cal.org , from (202) 362-0700, ext. 200,  or it can be downloaded at www.cal.org/ncle/digests/LD2.htm 

NCLE is also unveiling a new feature: a resource collection. The title of this first collection is (certainly not coincidentally) "Learning Disabilities and Adult ESL." Have a look at it at www.cal.org/ncle/whatnew.htm  

In our Resource Collection you will find articles, reports, books, websites, organizations, electronic discussions, policy materials, ERIC documents, and other resources that address  the featured topic.  We welcome your comments, suggestions, and your recommendations for additions to the collection.   

Miriam Burt


Miriam Burt
National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education (NCLE)
Center for Applied Linguistics
4646 40th Street NW
Washington, DC 20016
(202) 362-0700 (phone)
(202) 363-7204 (fax)
Visit NCLE on the World Wide Web at www.cal.org/ncle 

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