[NIFL-FAMILY:2955] Women and Literacy Conference Call for Presenters

From: Nancy Sledd (nsledd@famlit.org)
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 22:54:36 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:2955] Women and Literacy Conference  Call for Presenters
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International Conference on Women and Literacy
January 22-24, 2001
Atlanta, Georgia

The Center for the Study of Adult Literacy at Georgia State University, in =
collaboration with Laubach Literacy Action and the Centre for Literacy of Q=
uebec, is pleased to announce the third International Conference on Women a=
nd Literacy. The focus of the conference is: 

Language, Culture, and Literacy  
as they relate to women in adult basic education classes 

The conference will address the following question: How do language, cultur=
e, literacy and women interact in basic literacy, ESL, family literacy, hea=
lth literacy, workplace literacy, pre-GED, and GED classes? 

Proposals for presentations are invited from Practitioners, Researchers, Po=
licy Makers, and Learners. Proposals with an international perspective are =
particularly encouraged.  All proposals should address Practice, Research, =
and/or Policy, and can be presented as a seminar, workshop, demonstration, =
panel discussion, or round table. The round tables will be scheduled for 1 =
hour, and all others for 1 1/2-hours and 3 hours. Lead presenters will be n=
otified regarding proposal acceptance by September 1, 2000.

Guidelines for submission:
		1.	If selected, the presenter(s) agrees to register for the conference, a=
nd furnish handouts (if needed). One flip chart and an overhead projector w=
ill be provided.
2.	Please send two copies of the following:
	- Proposal Form completed
	- Abstract of presentation (maximum of 500 words) including the following =
		- purpose 
		- content 
	- how will audience participate

To submit a proposal for presentation, please mail, fax or e-mail the above=
 materials no later than July 1, 2000 to:

Sandy Vaughn
Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
Georgia State University
University Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303-3083
Fax (404) 651-1415, or e-mail alcsvv@langate.gsu.edu (note: the letters fol=
lowing the "s" are "v" and "v"-not "w").
For further information, call (404) 651-1400.

International Conference on Women and Literacy
Proposal Form

Acceptance Criteria:
(Notification of acceptance will be mailed by September 1, 2000.)
		1.	The topic is relevant to adult basic education (this includes: basic l=
iteracy, ESL, family literacy, health literacy, workplace literacy, pre-GED=
, and GED classes).
2.	The presentation introduces new knowledge and ideas, successful programs=
 and projects, innovative and/or effective practices, or current literacy i=
3.	The abstract CLEARLY states what participants will learn. 
4.	The presentation encourages audience participation.




Names of other presenters and affiliated institutions: ____________________=

Title of Presentation (Title must convey content): ________________________=


30-word description of presentation (to be included in brochure for partici=
Bio of presenter(s) (30 words/presenter):  ________________________________=
Format and Length of  Presentation (check one format and one time period):
____ Seminar (Presentation of findings from a research study, or of observa=
tions about                    practice and policy.)    
	          	1 1/2 hours

____Workshop (Focus is on a "hands on approach" where participants learn ho=
w to implement a specific strategy.)   
	         	1 1/2 hours OR  ____3 hours

____Demonstration (Presenter(s) demonstrates a new product or approach.) 

	        	1 1/2 hours OR ____3 hours

____Panel Discussion (Panel members examine a specific issue of interest.) =

	        	1 1/2 hours OR ____ 3 hours

 ____Roundtable Discussion (Presenter introduces topic/issue and facilitate=
s small group discussion).
	____    1 hour
Audio/Visual Requirements:
An overhead projector/screen and one flip chart/easel will be provided in e=
ach room.  If additional equipment is needed, please indicate below the typ=
e of equipment.

Presenter Agreement: I understand that presenters and co-presenters:
		=B7	Must register for the conference and pay the registration fee.
=B7	Will be responsible for all costs related to transportation, room, and =
=B7	Will be responsible for furnishing handouts in the quantity needed for =
=B7	Will be responsible for costs of audio-visual equipment requested beyon=
d one flip chart and an overhead projector.
=B7	Will not be paid an honorarium.

Signature of Lead Presenter: _____________________________      Date:______=

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