[NIFL-FAMILY:2857] Re: Adult Education Name Survey Update

From: David J Rosen (DJRosen@world.std.com)
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 12:30:17 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:2857] Re: Adult Education Name Survey Update
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The name "system" does imply a system, and many people would agree with
you that we don't have one in adult education.  Tom Sticht's point, I
think, was that we should have one, we should build one, and as part of
this that we need to come up with a name which our field can agree on. So,
yes, I -- and many others -- have a goal for our field: to build a
national adult education (literacy, basic education, secondary education,
ESL/ESOL) system, one that has teachers, administrators and other staff,
resources, standards, organization, staff and program development and
assessment and evaluation to provide adult learners and their families
with high quality services that enable them to attain their education

David J. Rosen

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Sylvan Rainwater wrote:

> At 06:22 AM 4/4/2000 -0400, David J Rosen wrote:
> >
> >Dear Colleague
> >
> >The survey for a name for a system of adult education is off to a great
> >start. <SNIP>
> >A half dozen names are neck and neck; the leading name, by a hair,
> >is............ Adult Education (AE)
> >
> As usual, the name I would pick wasn't exactly there. I liked Adult and
> Communite Education (ACE), but didn't care for the "Literacy System" tacked
> on to the end of it.
> I have a question about the "System" part, though. To me, calling it a
> system implies some level of national organization that I'm not sure is
> exactly there at this point. Is this a goal? Or am I just unaware? Or are we
> calling the somewhat loosely-connected variety of programs around the
> country a "system"?
> Sylvan Rainwater  .  Portland, OR USA  .  sylrain@teleport.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> "The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and
> intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." --Marshall
> McCluhan, 1969

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