[NIFL-FAMILY:2671] Make family literacy quizzes and games for your students online

From: David J Rosen (DJRosen@world.std.com)
Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 11:02:04 EST

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From: David J Rosen <DJRosen@world.std.com>
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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:2671] Make family literacy quizzes and games for your students online
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NIFL-Family Colleagues,

quia.com is a Web site for and by teachers.  It covers a wide variety of
subject areas. Teachers have made these Web-based interactive quizzes
and games using content they and their students are interested in.  You
can register there (free) in under a minute.  You can begin immediately,
with easy-to-use templates, to make quizzes and games for your students
and their families.  If your students have access to the WorldWide Web
they can use these interactivey online.

I am indebted to Massachusetts adult education teacher, Wendy Quinones,
for telling me about quia.  Although I don't see a family literacy setion
there yet, I hope some of you might start one -- with some great
interactive PACT games that you create.


David J. Rosen

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