[NIFL-FAMILY:3013] New Publication

From: Behroozi, Jaleh (Jaleh_Behroozi@nifl.gov)
Date: Thu Jul 06 2000 - 10:53:59 EDT

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	> Below is the notice regarding a recent publication of the American
	> Institutes for Research, a non-profit organization specializing in
	> and behavioral research and policy.  Pelavin Research Institute, a
	> of American Institutes for Research specializes mostly in
	> research and policy for grades K-12 and adult education.   
	> The publication will be available on-line by August 1 at the
	> Please call me at 202-944-5414 or e-mail me at dweidler@air.org
<mailto:dweidler@air.org>  if you
	> have any questions or need any additional information. 
	> Thanks, 
	> Danielle 
	> The Pelavin Research Institute (PRI) of the American Institutes
	> Research (AIR) recently released a new publication entitled
	> Development Resource Supplement: Improving Instruction,
Organization, and
	> Learner Outcomes Through Professional Development. This Supplement
is a
	> follow-up to the previously published Professional Development
	> Guide available on the National Reporting System website located
	> http://www.air-dc.org/nrs <http://www.air-dc.org/nrs> . 
	> The Supplement focuses on two areas:  needs assessments and
	> for professional development.  The Needs Assessment section
provides an
	> overview of needs assessments, in general, and includes sample
	> assessment instruments previously developed by PRI and a sample of
	> instructor assessment from the revised Continuous Improvement
	> (CIM) instrument developed by Comprehensive Adult Student
	> System (CASAS).  The Collaboration Section provides a general
overview of
	> the issues and advantages to collaboration for professional
	> and includes two publications on collaboration.  The Regional
	> Initiative-prepared jointly by the Arizona Adult Literacy and
	> Resource Center and the Center for Literacy Studies at the
University of
	> Tennessee-describes a plan for developing regional resource
sharing.  The
	> second publication, For the Common Good: A Guide for Developing
	> Interagency Linkage Teams produced by the Center on Education
Training for
	> Employment at Ohio State University, provides useful information
	> planning, implementing, and sustaining interagency linkage teams.

	> The Supplement will be available on-line by August 1 at
	> http://www.air-dc.org/nrs/ <http://www.air-dc.org/nrs/> .  Please
note that the Regional Resource
	> Initiative is only available in hard-copy.  For the Common Good is
	> available at http://literacy.kent.edu/CommonGood/Guide/index.html
<http://literacy.kent.edu/CommonGood/Guide/index.html> .  If you
	> would like to receive a copy of the Regional Resource Initiative
or if you
	> have any other questions please contact Renee Sherman by phone at
	> 202-944-5327 or e-mail at rsherman@air-org
<mailto:rsherman@air-org> .  
	> Danielle Weidler 
	> American Institutes for Research 
	> 202-944-5414
	> dweidler@air.org <mailto:dweidler@air.org> 

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