From: Helmer Duverge (hduverge@famlit.org)
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 14:48:28 EDT

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								 OR:	David Goldberg
(315) 422-9121


SYRACUSE, NY, JULY 5, 2000- Laubach Literacy, the world's oldest and
largest literacy organization, is currently seeking grant applications
for its National Book Scholarship Fund (NBSF), which distributes books
and other educational material to qualified adult literacy and education
programs nationwide.
NBSF grants are designed to help local educational groups expand their
work or to begin new programs among under-served populations.  First
priority is given to family literacy programs that work to improve the
literacy skills of parents and their children.  Grants are also awarded
to programs that work with special groups, such as the homeless,
refugees, people learning English as a Second Language, and adults with
learning disabilities.
Last year, the NBSF gave $225,625 worth of in-kind grants to 96
programs.  The fund has given $1,094,441 worth of grants to 546 programs
since its inception in 1995.
The NBSF is made possible through the support of foundations,
corporations and individual donors across the country.
For more information or to apply for a National Book Scholarship Fund
grant, contact Mara Roberts, project administrator, The National Book
Scholarship Fund, Laubach Literacy, P.O. Box 131, 1320 Jamesville
Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210.  Ms. Roberts can also be reached by
telephone at 315-422-9121 and via e-mail at mroberts@laubach.org.
For additional grant information, visit the NBSF web site at
http://www.laubach.org/NBSF/indexnbs.html.  The grant application will
also be available online from September 1 to November 30, 2000.
Grant applications will be accepted until December 7, 2000.
Laubach Literacy is a nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to
helping adults of all ages improve their lives and their communities by
learning reading, writing, math and problem-solving skills.
Founded in 1955 by literacy pioneer Dr. Frank C. Laubach, the
organization has more than 1,100 member programs throughout the United
States and 69 partner programs in 36 developing countries in Africa, the
Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Its U.S. publishing division, New Readers Press, produces and
distributes 700 titles of adult educational materials to more than
30,000 literacy organizations, schools, libraries and other institutions

Good luck!

Helmer A. Duvergé
Family Literacy Training Specialist
National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main Street, Suite 200
Louisville, KY 40202-4251
(502) 584-1133 x145
Fax: (502) 584-0172

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