[NIFL-FAMILY:2750] RE: Family Literacy Policy Update

From: Jenny Ransone (Adu. Learning Cen) (jransone@infodepo.jcpl.lib.in.us)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 11:19:44 EST

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Thanks for the great comments!  I am program coordinator for a library 
literacy program.  I met with my library director yesterday to discuss 
this very issue.  Funding for my library based, volunteer, basic literacy, 
one on one tutoring program has all but dried up.

If I went on, I'd probably repeat everything you already said.  I'm very 
concerned about the future of this program if I must chase grant money 
with "new projects" every year.  We traditionally serve the most 
difficult to serve.  Those who are unable to thrive in the local ABE 
program (which serves individuals with a sixth grade or higher TABE 
score), or who need more support than can be received in a classroom setting.

I'd love to hear from others in similar situations.

Jenny Ransone
Adult Learning Center
Franklin,  IN

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