[NIFL-FAMILY:3144] Children's nutrition

From: campathome@mindspring.com
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 14:25:33 EDT

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Hello!  I teach a parent education class to teen and adult students.  I
mostly focus on child development, early learning and reading to young
children.  I would like to teach my students about children's nutrition
because I have noticed that many of them feed their young children junk food
and pop.  I like to introduce topics in a interactive way and not "tell
them" what to do.  Most of the students are African American young women
living in urban communities.  The reading level varies from probably second
grade all the way up to GED.  Does anyone have any suggestions about
material to use and also about a positive approach?  I also like to do
hands-on projects related to the class topic like making a book for your
child about healthy food or making a food pyramid to hang in your kitchen -
I would also appreciate suggestions about that sort of thing.  If you have
resources or material to suggest but it does not correspond with the wide
grade level that I mentioned, that 's fine because I can always adapt it for
the students.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Helen Campbell
Child Development Specialist
Blue Gargoyle Family Learning Project

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