[NIFL-FAMILY:3066] New publications from NDCCTE

From: Judy Wagner (jwagner@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 11:26:09 EDT

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The National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education has 
recently produced a newsletter, Career Tech Correlations, and two "In 
Briefs" that are now available on the Center website 
(http://nccte.com/publications/infosynthesis/index.html).  If you would 
like paper copies of any of these, send your request to (ndccte@osu.edu) 
and be sure to include your mailing address.

Career Academies by Sandra Kerka
The Career Academy is a high school model that integrates school-to-work 
elements in a personalized learning environment. Academies were originally 
designed as a lifeline for students at risk of dropping out. Today, the 
more than 1,500 career academies in the United States serve a broad 
cross-section of students preparing for college and work (Kemple and Snipes 
2000). What are career academies? Are they effective? What are the best 
ways to implement the concept?

Web-Based Training by Michael Wonacott
To many educators, web-based training (WBT) is the constructivist 
ideal-learners can construct meaning through self-directed inquiry, guided 
activity, and group collaboration on the information highway, the digital 
library, cyberspace, the global village. But is this vision of WBT as the 
constructivist ideal real or illusory (Wilson and Lowry in press)?

Career Tech Correlations, Summer 2000

Again, send your request to ndccte@osu.edu.


Judy Wagner  wagner.6@osu.edu  http://nccte.com
Q&A Service
National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education
1900 Kenny Road
Columbus OH 43210-1090
800/848-4815 ext. 2-8625; 614/292-8625

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