[NIFL-FAMILY:3057] Summit Update

From: Nancy Sledd (nsledd@famlit.org)
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 07:08:45 EDT

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This is a cross-post from the NLA list.

National Literacy Summit 2000
Update--July, 2000


We want to keep the literacy field and partners informed about the National
Literacy Summit 2000 process as we move toward the creation of a Summit
report and a launch event in September.  This process is meant to improve
the state of literacy in the U.S. as we enter the 21st century.  To reach
this goal, the national literacy field and hundreds of partners from the
private and public sectors have gotten together across the country to
identify the primary challenges in achieving a fully literate nation, and to
recommend an action agenda for meeting the challenges over the next decade.

For the first time, the literacy field will have adopted a common goal and
action agenda as a blueprint to guide their efforts. The Summit report will
be released on September 7, the eve of International Literacy Day 2000.
Following the launch, literacy providers and their partners at the local,
state, and national levels will select the action recommendations they can
address, and make commitments toward fulfilling the national agenda.  The
hope and plan is that a new Summit report will be issued on September 8 of
each subsequent year, to let the nation know the progress that is being made
toward a more literate nation, and the action and resources still needed.
For this to be achieved, we all will need to respond and act.

 The Summit Report

The National Literacy Summit 2000 received on-line and mailed feedback by
the June 30 deadline from hundreds of regional, state and local summit
meeting groups, as well as from many individuals. The Summit steering
committee is very pleased to have received such a response and thank all who
commented on the draft action agenda priorities.

The next stage of writing the Summit report has now begun, and the staff of
NIFL has read through every response over the past weeks, and has been
synthesizing the comments, organizing them around priorities, and looking
for broad themes that may be emerging.  The current thinking is that some of
the priorities may be able to be combined, and that the final priority areas
will be fewer and slightly reorganized.

Following this process of synthesizing the comments, a group of writers from
Reingold Associates, Inc. will begin to design and edit the final Summit
report.  Before it is printed, a draft of the report will be reviewed by a
working group of the Summit steering committee representing the literacy

On September 7, the Summit report will be launched at a national event in
Washington, DC, and will be mailed to literacy organizations across the
nation so that the commitment-making phase may begin.

The Summit Report Launch Event

An event to launch the Summit Report will be held on September 7. Current
plans include an event to be held on Capital Hill, where the report will be
released, followed by the convening of two panels whose members will respond
to the report.  A panel made up of policymakers at the federal and state
levels, as well as representatives from other partner agencies and the
private sector, will provide reactions to the report.  Following  lunch,
another panel representing key stakeholders will discuss the importance of
the agenda to the sectors they represent.  The steering committee is
exploring the possibility of a live webcast so that the launch could be
"attended" by a national audience.

Additionally, a request has been made to the White House for a special
presentation of the Summit Report to the President and a brief report on the
ways the federal government could continue to assist in increasing support
and awareness for adult and family literacy.

The Summit Steering Committee

The Summit Steering Committee members include Sheila Murphy, Wallace Funds;
John Comings, NCSALL; Robbin Sorensen and Marsha Tait, the National
Coalition for Literacy; Ron Pugsley and Jim Parker, the Division of Adult
Education and Literacy, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S.
Department of Education; Lennox McLendon, National Association of State
Directors of Adult Education, and NIFL staff members including Andy Hartman,
Carolyn Staley, Lynn Reddy, Susan Green, Christy Gullion, and Wil Hawk.  The
NIFL has provided staff and management support for the Summit.

Private support for the Summit has been provided by the Wallace Funds, Time
Warner, World Education, and GTE Service Corporation.

For more information please visit the NIFL's Summit website on LINCS at

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