[NIFL-FAMILY:2933] Call for Document Contributions to the ERIC Database

From: Judy Wagner (jwagner@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu)
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 11:25:35 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:2933] Call for Document Contributions to the ERIC Database
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If you have created education-related materials in the fields of
adult, career, or vocational education, please consider
submitting them to the ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and
Vocational Education. Types of materials considered include:
conference papers, research reports, completed manuscripts,
instructional materials, annotated bibliographies, lesson plans,
manuals, and handbooks. All materials accepted by ERIC are
announced in the abstract journal, Resources in Education, and
authors receive a complimentary copy of the document in
microfiche. By sending your materials, the educational community
will have access to your work via the Internet and at more than
1,000 locations throughout the world. In addition, the ERIC
Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) can make your materials
available in paper, microfiche, and/or electronic forms. The ERIC
database is used by teachers, counselors, students,
administrators, policymakers, researchers, parents, and the
general public.

To submit materials, please send them to Steve Chambers,
ERIC/ACVE, 1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1090. Each item
should include a reproduction release form which can be found on
the Clearinghouse website <http://www.ericacve.org/submit.htm>,
by calling 800/848-4815, extension 26991, or by e-mail from
<chambers.2@osu.edu>. Please contact Steve if you have any

Judy Wagner  /   wagner.6@osu.edu  /  ericacve.org/
ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education
1900 Kenny Road  /  Columbus OH 43210-1090
614/292-8625; 800/848-4815 (ext 2-8625);  FAX: 614/292-1260
TTY/TDD: 614/688-8734

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