[NIFL-FAMILY:2854] Re: Adult Education Name Survey Update

From: Sylvan Rainwater (sylrain@teleport.com)
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 11:55:13 EDT

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At 06:22 AM 4/4/2000 -0400, David J Rosen wrote:
>Dear Colleague
>The survey for a name for a system of adult education is off to a great
>start. <SNIP>
>A half dozen names are neck and neck; the leading name, by a hair,
>is............ Adult Education (AE)

As usual, the name I would pick wasn't exactly there. I liked Adult and
Communite Education (ACE), but didn't care for the "Literacy System" tacked
on to the end of it.

I have a question about the "System" part, though. To me, calling it a
system implies some level of national organization that I'm not sure is
exactly there at this point. Is this a goal? Or am I just unaware? Or are we
calling the somewhat loosely-connected variety of programs around the
country a "system"?

Sylvan Rainwater  .  Portland, OR USA  .  sylrain@teleport.com
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