[NIFL-FAMILY:2851] Excerpts from Connect For Kids Weekly - April 10, 2000

From: Nancy Sledd (nsledd@famlit.org)
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 13:51:22 EDT

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Connect for Kids Weekly--April 10, 2000

**Parenting from Behind the Walls
by Julee Newberger
Through a family literacy program, books become links between incarcerated
parents and children. And learning together becomes a part of families'
everyday lives.

**Invention Can Be a Kids Game
by Julee Newberger
Inventor Ronald Riley created a Web site to bolster kids' natural
creativity, and to encourage kids who feel like they don't belong.

**Get What You Pay For -- Lobby for Kids
Remember -- one constituent voice can help tip the scales in favor of
ordinary families. A handwritten letter to your Congressional office is the
most effective citizen lobbying tool, but you can find instant
letter-writing help on education issues from the National PTA.
<http://www.pta.org/programs/BeAdvocate.htm> You may also try a new instant
e-mail system to voice your opinion on education, health care or gun
control issues. http://www.lobbyforme.com/default.asp

**Sharpen Your Advocacy Skills
The Children's Defense Fund offers the 2000 Congressional Workbook, a
primer about how a bill becomes a law and how you can work the process for
kids. Cost: $8.00, plus S&H. Contact Amy Judge (202-662-3576 or


**What Teachers Say
According to the latest Phi Delta Kappa poll, teachers want parents to be
more involved with their kids' learning, including reading to their
toddlers, while parents want teachers to do a better job at discipline in
school. An analysis <http://www.pdkintl.org/edres/resbul26.htm> and a
summary <http://www.pdkintl.org/kappan/klan0004.htm> are both online.

Find more resources on the health of our nation's children and families by
looking up "Health" in Connect for Kids' Topics A-Z.

**Take a Stand
The "Family Opportunity Act," designed to help parents of children with
severe disabilities and special health needs through Medicaid expansion,
was introduced in the Senate March 22. Contact the National Parent Network
on Disabilities (202-463-2299) for details. NPND also has information on a
recent Government Accounting Office report on Medicaid reimbursements for
school-based services, which includes testimony about the importance of
maintaining Medicaid support for such services for kids with special needs.


**Funding for Rural Community Schools
Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota and Texas are the lucky pilot
states for the Rural Community Schools Rebuilding Initiative, encouraging
lenders to offer interest-free loans for school repairs, new equipment,
development of course materials and teacher training in Rural Empowerment
Zones and Enterprise Communities. Call your USDA Rural Development State
office (in the blue pages of your phone book) for more information.

**Grants for Mental Health Programs
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Youth Violence Prevention Grant Program funds programs to promote healthy
development, enhance resilience, and prevent violence and substance abuse.
Scroll down to item SM-00-005. http://www.samhsa.gov/GRANT/0100titles.htm


**Partners in Transition: Adolescents and Managed Care
Children Now identifies ways that health plans can address teen concerns
about confidentiality, embarrassment and other barriers to better health

**Vocational Education in the U.S.: Toward the Year 2000
The National Center for Education Statistics reports on the status of
vocational education in the new millennium.

**What has Welfare Reform Accomplished?
This paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research evaluates the
effectiveness of recent welfare reforms, investigating the effects of both
state-specific waivers in the early 1990s and the 1996 federal reform

** Community Health Centers Must Adapt to Changing Health Care Environment
Community health centers may be the only clinics in some areas with
underserved populations, but the shifting health care environment is
putting them at risk.

**Long-Lasting Effects from Iron Deficiency in Infancy
This Pediatrics article documents poorer behavioral and developmental
outcomes for kids more than 10 years after treatment for iron deficiency in

**Anxiety Disorders Understudied
With all the attention to attention deficit disorders, the equally
troubling and prevalent childhood anxiety disorders lack clear definition
and research.

If you're a community builder, you'll find helpful manuals on how to
implement successful community-level programs on the Connect for Kids
"Community Building" topic page.

Nancy Sledd
Training Specialist
National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main Street, Suite #200
Waterfront Plaza
Louisville, KY  40202-4251
(502) 584-1133 ext.142
(502) 584-0172 fax

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