Class Schedule PC Quicklinks
Welcome to Phoenix College, a Maricopa Community College.

From the Financial Aid Office:
Important information for student financial aid applicants

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Proposition 300 affects all students. Please review how the new enrollment requirements may affect you. La Proposición 300 afecta a todos los estudiantes. Revise por favor los requisitos de la matriculación para todos los colegios comunitarios del Condado de Maricopa.


Where in the world is "Bumstead the Bear?" | MORE
Phoenix College Introduces New Dean of Student Affairs | MORE
It's Never Too Late to Register: Late-start, Short-term Classes Available | MORE
2008 Historically Black College & University Fair | MORE
Learn about Prejudices, Injustice, or Health Mysteries in Your Next English Composition Class at PC | MORE
New! Culture Awareness Brown Bag Series to Address Culture, Religion and Sexuality | MORE
09.21.08 - 11th Annual President's Invitational Scholarship Golf Tournament | MORE
09.23.08 - MCCCD Governing Board Candidates Forum | MORE
09.23.08 - PC to Host Secretary of State Ballot Measure Town Hall | MORE
09.24.08 - 2008 Historically Black College and University Fair | MORE
09.25.08 - Healing Racism Series: Race & Politics | MORE

Map  /  PC Downtown  /  Disability  /  Disclaimer  /  Maricopa Community College District Maricopa Community Colleges
Phoenix College • 1202 W. Thomas Road • Phoenix, Arizona 85013 • 602-285-7800
Phoenix College and the Maricopa Community Colleges are EEO/AA institutions.