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Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) Official Web Site

METS Tools & Utilities

METS Creation/Generation (non-commercial)

METS Java Toolkit (Harvard University Library)
A Java toolkit for the procedural construction, validation, and marshalling and unmarshalling for METS.
7train METS Generation Tool (California Digital Library)
An XSLT 2.0 tool for generating METS files from XML input. It builds the basic METS structure so that the user can worry about what is specific to the user's project. It includes (and was first built for) a complete transformation from ContentDM XML export.
<daofind> /MEX Authoring Tools (Das Bundesarchiv)
A tool that provides for editing documents in a structured way without being obliged to use XML tagging directly. The effects can be followed in a parallel XML view.
GOOBI (SUB Göttingen)
A workflow management system to manage and organize complex digitization workflows by integrating specific modules into a workflow engine which steer the production process. Supports METS output.
ContentE (Biblioteca Nacional Digital, Portugal) [English translation]
An application supporting the formal structuring of digital content and associated metadata, and the export of the resulting structure to METS (xml) and XHTML.
Archivists' Toolkit (UCSD, NYU, The Five Colleges)
Open source archival data management system providing integrated support for archival materials. Provides for EAD export at the collection level and METS export at the item level. METS building and export features can be used independently of the EAD features.

METS Creation/Generation/Presentation (commercial)

docWORKS/METAe (CCS GmbH - Content Conversion Specialists)
A suite of tools for automating the process of digitizing materials, including the capture of structural information and related descriptive and administrative information. Supports METS output.
DigiTool (ExLibris)
Tools developed in partnership with CCS (see entry above) that include support for creating and viewing METS documents. (Available 2nd quarter 2007)

METS Presentation

METS Navigator (Indiana University Digital Library Program)
A METS-based system developed by the Indiana University Digital Library Program for displaying and navigating sets of page images or other multi-part digital objects.
XSLT-based METS2SMIL Viewer (NYU)
An XSLT solution for the display of multimedia files and text transcriptions of a digital object serialized into an xml-encoded METS document. The viewer can be adapted to present audio and text with links to a "slide show" of image files as well.
XSLT-based METS Page-turners (NYU)
XSLT solutions for the display of image files along with selected Descriptive, Administrative and Structural metadata elements of a digital object serialized into an xml-encoded METS document. They can easily be adapted to present links to audio or video files as well.
XSLT-based METS Page-turner with Search (NYU)
An application evolved from METSFramesSX.xsl, incorporating a frames-based page turner (see entry above) with search functionality using XPATH

Multi-faceted Tools (creation/ presentation/ repository management)

ResCarta Toolkit (ResCarta Foundation)
A open source suite of tools for building, organizing, viewing, and verifying digital collections of serials and/or monographs. Includes support for building METS documents and associated MODS and MIX encodings.
XSLT- and Java-based METS Item Creation, Search and Display from Multiple Collections (NYU)
XSLT and Java tools for working with diverse items in multiple archival collections. Tools provide support for creating the METS documents for the items, for searching for the items, and for transforming the METS files for presentation and selection.

METS Compatible Software

Greenstone Digital Library Software (
A suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Supports METS ingest and a native METS format.
Fedora (Cornell/University of Virginia)
Open source software providing a service-oriented architecture for managing and delivering their digital content. Supports METS ingest.
A digital repository system that captures, stores, indexes, preserves, and distributes digital research material. Supports METS for ingest and export, as well as METS AIPS.

Legacy Encoding Conversion

XSLT stylesheet for MOA2 to METS document conversion (created by Brian Tingle, California Digital Library)
Uses XSLT to convert legacy MOA2 objects to METS format.

Adding METS tools information to this page

Submit a brief description of the METS tool along with a link to a locally hosted page from which the tool can be downloaded to Rick Beaubien.


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  December 4, 2007
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