METS News and Announcements
New METS Board Members (September 12, 2008)
We are happy to announce that the following people have accepted our
invitation to join the Board:
Terry Catapano, Columbia University
Joachim Bauer, (Content Conversion Specialists from Hamburg,
Arwen Hutt, University of California at San Diego
In addition, due to a change of responsibilities at the METS maintenance
agency, the U.S. Library of Congress, longtime Board member and METS
supporter, Morgan Cundiff will be stepping down as the Library of Congress
representative. Morgan has been a very productive and loyal member of the
Board since its inception, and has always offered his wisdom, insights and
experience to the Board without reservation. His special focus on developing
and using the METS profile schema to write and register all of Library of
Congress METS profiles has been instrumental in furthering the use of the
METS profile mechanism. We hope to continue communication with Morgan as he
uses METS for the Library's special collections. Clay Redding will be taking
Morgan's place on the Board.