The METS Editorial Board is an international group of volunteers committed to maintaining editorial control over METS, its XML Schema, the METS Profile XML Schema, and official METS documentation. The Board promotes the use of the METS specification, maintains a registry of METS Profiles, and endorses best practices in the use of METS as they emerge. Members represent important communities of interest for METS, including members of the Digital Library Federation, its initial sponsor, and the Library of Congress, its maintenance agency.
Board Mission Statement (Approved November 2006)
METS is a digital object encoding and transmission specification -- targeted to meet the needs of communities responsible for the management and transmission of digital content, such as libraries, archives, museums. By using METS, such communities can record descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata about a digital artifact and its components into a single hub document.
More information about the METS Editorial Board can be found on the METS wiki including Board meeting agendas. METS Board meetings are open to the public as of Fall 2006. Questions about the METS Editorial Board can be directed to the METS listserv or to individual Board members.
Current METS Editorial Board membership:
- Nancy Hoebelheinrich (Administrative Chair), Stanford University
- Brian Tingle (Technical Chair), California Digital Library
- Joachim Bauer, (Content Conversion Specialists from Hamburg, Germany)
- Rick Beaubien, University of California
- Terry Catapano, Columbia University
- Markus Enders, British Library
- Adam Farquhar, British Library
- Richard Gartner, Dr Williams's Library, London
- Arwen Hutt, University of California at San Diego
- Jerome McDonough, (Ex-officio), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Merrilee Proffitt, (Ex-officio), OCLC, Programs and Research
- Clay Redding, Library of Congress
- Jenn Riley, Indiana University Digital Library Program
- Tobias Steinke, Project Kopal, German National Library
- Robin Wendler, Harvard University
- Robert Wolfe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries/OpenCourseWare
- Patrick Yott, Brown University