[NIFL-4EFF:2249] Re: back to the role maps

From: kscrutch@tds.net
Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 15:08:00 EST

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> From: "Andy Nash" <andy_nash@jsi.com>
> Date: 2002/10/29 Tue AM 09:54:25 CST
> To: Multiple recipients of list <nifl-4eff@literacy.nifl.gov>
> Subject: [NIFL-4EFF:2246] back to the role maps
> Hi,
> We just got a request for examples of teaching that's related to the
> community member role map. These examples might include a focus on
> standards, but that wasn't specified. I think the query reflects a more
> general interest in how we have helped adults learn about the activities
> in that role by engaging them in community projects/activities. Could
> folks share some stories?
> Thanks,
> Andy Nash
> NELRC/World Education
> Anash@worlded.org
> 617-492-9485

I just asked a husband/wife duo who are technology buffs but are beginning level students to use their digital camera to take pictures of things in our area that they think are important.  The goal is to make a ABC book based on the pictures with written descriptions.   We brainstormed four or five things but I want the book to reflect our area as they see it.  

I thought this might also be a good tool to help familiarize other students with the area.

I would like to desktop publish a few copies to be given out to area libraries and other community organizations.

Karen Scrutchfield
Bangor Adult Learning Center
Bangor, Maine


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