[NIFL-4EFF:2183] June 02 EFF Assmnt Reports

From: Spacone, Ronna (Contractor) (Ronna.Spacone@ed.gov)
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 13:32:23 EDT

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NIFL-4EFF Colleagues,

Two new articles about the EFF assessment work have been to the EFF

1. Assessing Results That Matter: Equipped for the Future's Approach to
Assessment for Adult Basic Education Accountability and Improvement

A policy brief (consultation draft) by Regie Stites, EFF Assessment
Consortium Technical Director, that explains the EFF approach to developing
good assessment tools and to ensuring that these tools are put to good use
in improving the quality of adult education. A Word version of this document
is available on the EFF Publications page, at:

2. Equipped for the Future: A Standards Based Approach to Defining and
Measuring Results in the Adult Education and Literacy System

Sondra Stein, EFF national Director, delivered this paper at a workshop,
held December 12-13, 2001, that brought together experts in educational
measurement and assessment with experts in adult education service delivery.
She talked about three things: 1. How the EFF initiative has helped to
redefine the results that the adult education system aims for; 2. What the
EFF approach has so far been to develop a system that measures those results
for multiple purposes and audiences; and 3.What the implications of EFF work
are for measuring/reporting learner gains using the National Reporting
System. A Word version of this document is available in the
Manager/Administrator Resources from EFF Partners, at:

More information about the performance assessment workshop, held December
12-13, 2001, and the New National Research Council Report on Assessment for
Adult Education is located at:


Ronna G. Spacone
EFF Special Collection Coordinator
(202) 233-8767

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