[NIFL-4EFF:2017] ALERT....An Opportunity YOU Don't Want to Miss!

From: NAASLN@aol.com
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 16:14:06 EST

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ALERT!  The National Association for Adults with Special Learning Needs - 
NAASLN - is alerting adult educators and providers of adult services about 
our rescheduled conference.

The NAASLN conference, previously scheduled for September 13 -15, 2001, is 
being held April 14 - 16, 2002 -- in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  This 
international conference is being hosted in conjunction with the Greater 
Milwaukee Literacy Coalition and the Milwaukee Area Technical College.  The 
original conference was SOLD OUT...but, due to conflicts in some 
participant's and presenter's schedules, the April 2002 conference now has 
space for additional attendees (and a few presenters)!  

Listed below is an invitation to you from NAASLN's President, Laura Weisel, 
Ph.D., and a listing of conference sessions.  National associations and 
organizations have joined forces in partnership with NAASLN to promote this 
conference.  Visit our website -- www.naasln.org -- for the most up-to-date 
conference and membership information.  For questions -- contact us directly 
at naasln@aol.com.

We are excited to introduce you to the renewed National Association for 
Adults  with Special Learning Needs.  Over the past year, the association 
leadership has worked hard to rebuild NAASLN to meet the growing demands on 
education and vocation providers serving a variety of adults with special 
learning needs -- learning disabilities, visual and hearing impairments, 
developmental disabilities, persistent mental illnesses, and physical 

To celebrate our passion and vision, NAASLN, in conjunction with the Greater 
Milwaukee Literacy Coalition and the Milwaukee Area Technical College, is 
sponsoring an international conference, Forging the Future, April 14 - 16, 
2002, in Milwaukee, WI.  Over 50 sessions will be presented offering you the 
most up-to-date research, policies and legislation, technology, and best pract
ices to successfully support adults with special learning needs in attaining 
their goals to become successful workers, parents, and  integrated members of 
our communities.

Join us for this incredible opportunity to learn, network, and forge the 
future!                                     Laura Weisel, Ph.D., President

Tentative* Conference Sessions

Sunday, April 14
Forging the Future: Shaping the 21st Century Workforce

Poverty, Racism, and Literacy:  Making Connections, Creating Change
Dialog on Shaping Federal Policy to Support Adults with Disabilities

The Four "R's":  Research, Reading, 'Riting, and Remembering
If They Learn Differently, Shouldn't They Study Differently?

PowerPath to Adult Basic Learning:  A Practical Intake, Diagnostic Screening, 
and Intervention System to Support LD Adults in Education and On-the-Job 

It Didn't Just GO Away Because They Grew Older:  Dyslexia/ADD/SLD Affects 
Adults in Many Different Ways

The GED -- Ensuring Accommodations for Special Need Learners

An Overview of Dr. Mel Levine's Model of Neurodevelopmental Constructions and 
Its Applicability to Understanding Learning Differences in Adult Learners

Emotions!  Targeting the Critical Prerequisite to Learning

Multisensory Structured Language Education:  More than Theories -- Practical 
and Accredited Curriculum for the Dyslexic/ADD/SLD Learner

Accessibility Certification for One-Stop Operations

Internet Resources for Serving Adults with LD/ADD

Alternative Math Techniques for Adult Learners with Learning Differences

Collaboration between AEFL and Carl Perkins Funding for Serving Students with 

Bridging the Gap:  Best Practices for Instructing Adults Who are Blind or 
Visually Impaired

Post-Secondary Options for Adults with Disabilities

Monday, April 15
Scotopic Sensitivity/Irlen Syndrome:  The Impact of Color on 
Reading….Research and Practice 

Early Childhood Brain Development:  Promises to Keep

Disabilities and Diversity:  The Sociocultural Dimension of Learning

The Irlen Syndrome -- Screening and Remediating

Growing up with LD and Succeeding

One Stop' for Resources on LD:  the LINCS Learning Disabilities and Literacy 
Special Collection

Helping ESL Students with Suspected Learning Disabilities 

"Testing Accommodations for the TABE: Access and Consequences For All"

Employability and Retention Model for Adults with Suspected Learning 

Potential Impact of OCR Rulings on TANF and Other Services

Helping the LD Adult Learner Succeed in the Classroom and in Life

Financial Literacy - A Benefit to Those with Special Needs

The Success Factor - Metacognitive Connections

Goal-Setting & Lesson Planning the SMARTER Way

Professional Development and Programmatic Evolution: Pennsylvania's Learning 
Differences Center (LDC) 

Towards an Effective and Realistic Literacy Policy for Federal Prisoners with 
Learning Disabilities

Supporting Persons with Persistent Mental Illnesses in Education and Work

Tuesday, April 16
(Bridges to Practice Project Session to be Scheduled)

Creating Success in Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with LD

What Vocational Rehabilitation can do to Support Adults with Special Needs in 
Education and Workplace Settings

Managing Statewide Systemic Change to Screen and Support Adults with Special 
Learning Needs -- Don't Reinvent the Wheel!  Build on What We're Learning!

A Model Literacy Program for Dyslexia/ADD/SLD Adults

Techniques for Teaching Writing to Adults with Weak Written Language Skills
Tactile Science

The WHOLE language for ESL Adults

Tentative* Presenters
Bill Muth
Bud Pues
Colleen Clark
Debra Watkins 
Denise Pottmeyer
Frances Mary D'Andrea
Fred Edwards
Garth Vaz, M.D.                         
Glenn Young
Helen Irlen
Jeff Fantine
Jim Koller, Ph.D. 
Jim Washburn                       
Jodi Owens
Jovita Ross-Gordon, Ph.D.
Kathy Knall
Kristin Schultz
Laura Weisel, Ph.D.
Laurie Martin
Linda Willette
Margaret Girkens
Margaret Lindop
Marilyn Derr
Mary Lou Belisle
Mary Sylvester
MaryAnn Corley, Ph.D.
MaryAnn Jackson                         
Milele Landrum
Nan Brien
Nancie Payne
Patricia Walsh
Richard Cooper, Ph.D.
Richard Gacka, Ed.D.
Richard Horne, Ed.D.
Robyn Rennick
Rone Hume
Shelley Isaac
Stephanie Perla
Steve Elliot, PH.D.
Tina Tucker
Tom Heffron  

    -->Visit www.naasln.org for an up-to-date listing of sessions

* Awaiting final confirmations for some presenters

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