[NIFL-FAMILY:1285] AERC Call for Paper Guidelines

From: ming-yeh lee (mylee@sfsu.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 18:07:39 EDT

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The 44th Annual Adult Education Research Conference will be held at San
Francisco State University on June 5-8, 2003. Please see the information
below for "Call for Paper" guidelines. The deadline for submitting proposal
is September 30, 2002


Paper Proposals: Papers are reports of completed research and will be
published in the conference proceedings.  There are three categories for
papers:  a) empirical research, b) model or theory development, and c)
theorizing from the literature.

ß Submit ONE COPY of a typed cover sheet which includes the paper title,
the name, address, phone and fax numbers, and email address of EACH author,
AND a signed warrant statement*.
ß Submit FIVE COPIES of a typed two-page abstract, not to exceed 1,200
words, which must include - at the top of the first page - the paper title
and a statement as to whether the research is complete or the anticipated
date of completion (which must be PRIOR to proceedings submission date).
Any paper proposal extending beyond the two pages will be excluded.

Symposium Proposals:  A symposium presents diverse or conflicting
perspectives on a compelling topic or issue that is or should be of concern
to adult education practitioners.

ß Submit ONE COPY of a typed cover sheet which includes the paper title,
the name, address, phone and fax numbers, and email address of EACH author,
AND a signed warrant statement*.
ß Submit FIVE COPIES of one page abstract, not to exceed 600 words.  An
additional half-page abstract (maximum 300 words) from each presenter
should provide details to the symposium abstract.  Submit five copies of
all abstracts with the symposium title at the top of the first page.


Allow 1" (2.5 cm) margins and use at least 10 pt type. It is appropriate to
provide citations in the text, although given space limitations, it is not
necessary to include a reference. Please, no author names or institutional
affiliations in the abstracts.  Only one proposal per author may be
submitted for review. All proposals must be received by September 30, 2002.
Neither faxed nor E-mailed proposals will be accepted.  All proposals
should be mailed or delivered to:


Papers:  The time allotted for each session is 50 minutes.  Audience
participation, as a principle of adult education, is stressed. Identify
your paper as a) empirical, b) theory development, or c) theorizing from
the literature. Abstracts should be typed as noted in the above

Empirical papers should adequately describe:

ß Purpose of the study. What does the study contribute?
ß Perspective or theoretical framework including relevant literature.
ß Research design (including rationale for choice of methodology, research,
questions, modes of data collection, and means of analysis).
ß Findings and conclusions.
ß Implications for adult education theory and practice.

Model or theory development papers should address:

ß What practical or theoretical void will this model or theory fill with
respect to adult education?
ß What are your bases for proposing this model or theory (experience,
literature, your own empirical research, etc.)?
ß What are the elements of the model or theory and relationships among its
ß What is its relationship to existing theory?

Theorizing from the literature can be either explorations based on
literature (reviews and/or critiques) or applications from one field to
another that give us new insights about adult education. The following
should be addressed in the abstract:

ß What is the purpose of this exploration or application?
ß What fields of study, disciplinary perspectives, or bodies of literature
are being analyzed?
ß What are the implications for the development of adult education theory
and practice?

If your paper is selected for presentation, you will be responsible for
submitting a formally written six-page (single-spaced, typed) paper for
inclusion in the conference proceedings and must be received by March 3,
2003.  Papers received after this date will NOT be included in the
conference or proceedings.  Authors whose papers are accepted will be
notified of the specifications for preparing and submitting papers.


A symposium is intended to provide an opportunity for examination of
specific problems or topics from multiple perspectives.  This purpose is
best served when individuals with diverse or conflicting views interact on
a topic of sufficient scope and importance.  A symposium should NOT merely
be a presentation of a related set of papers. Each symposium will last 90
minutes. Audience participation is encouraged.
It is the responsibility of organizers of symposia to identify topics and
presenters.  Organizers must have the consent of all participants before
submitting the proposal.  Organizers not wishing to chair the session must
designate a chair person.  Should unforeseen circumstances prevent a
participant from attending, it is the responsibility of the organizer to
find a suitable replacement; and, notify the AERC proposal receiver, all
other participants and discussants involved in the session to enable them
to have prior access to abstracts of each presentation, to allow them to
formulate their remarks in the context of what the others plan to say.
Organizers are urged to encourage such an exchange of information.

Only the organizer will be notified of the acceptance of a symposium, and
is responsible for notifying other participants.  Symposia should address
the following:

ß What is the controversial issue or topic being addressed?  Why should
adult educators care about this matter?
ß What are the competing perspectives (including related bodies of
literature) from which this issue will be addressed?
ß On what basis does each panelist hold his/her perspective (experience,
literature, one's own empirical research)?
ß What action plan or policy implications are likely to emerge from this
If the symposium proposal is selected, the organizer is responsible for
submitting a formally written eight-page (single-spaced, typed) paper for
inclusion in the conference proceedings.  Such papers must be received by
March 3 2003, or the symposium will not be included in the conference

*Warrant Statement for All Proposals

I [we} warrant that if my [our] paper [or symposium] proposal is accepted,
I [we} will submit a formally written summary for inclusion in the
conference proceedings.  I [we] agree that the summary will be typed,
single-spaced, and _____ pages long [6 pages for papers, 8 pages for

'I [we] understand that if this summary is not submitted by March 3, 2003,
my [our] presentation will not be included as part of AERC 2003

SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
Addressed to

Dr. Robert Hill
University of Georgia
Department of Adult Education
River's Crossing Room 403
850 College Station Road
Athens, GA 30602-4811

Ming-yeh Lee, Ed D
Assistant Professor

Center for Adult Education
Department of Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies
San Francisco State University

TEL : 415-338-1081
FAX: 415-338-0568

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