[NIFL-FAMILY:880] A Look At NAASLN's Conference Sessions

From: NAASLN@aol.com
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 21:48:31 EST

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The NAASLN conference, Forging the Future (previously scheduled for September 
13 -15, 2001) is being held April 14 - 16, 2002 -- in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  
This international conference is being hosted in conjunction with the Greater 
Milwaukee Literacy Coalition and the Milwaukee Area Technical College.  The 
original conference was SOLD OUT...but, due to conflicts in some 
participant's schedules and budget cut backs, the April 2002 conference now 
has limited space for additional attendees!  Please act quickly.  
Registration materials and information are available at the NAASLN website -- 

Below is a list of the conference schedule, sessions, dates, and times.  

Saturday April 13
7:00 - 9:30 PM          Conference Registration 
Sunday April 14
7:00 - 9:00 AM          Conference Registration 
Sunday April 14
8:45 - 10:30 AM         
Richard Horne, Ed.D.    Forging the Future:  Shaping the 21st Century   
Sr. Policy Advisor      Workforce
Presidential Task Force 
on Employment of 
Adults with Disabilities 
Sunday April 14 
10:45  - 12:15 PM   
MaryAnn Corley, Ph.D.   Poverty, Racism, and Literacy:  Making Connections, 
Creating                        Change

Richard Horne, Ed.D.    Dialog on Shaping Federal Policy to Support Adults 
with Disabilities

Bud Pues                The Four "R's":  Research, Reading, 'Riting, and 

Richard Cooper, Ph.D.   If They Learn Differently, Shouldn't They Study 

Lynn Rolfsmeier
Cheryl Sandholm     The POWERful Plan- For Persons with MR/DD

MaryAnn Jackson                         
Tom Heffron             Collaboration between AEFL and Carl Perkins Funding 
for                                 Serving Students with Disabilities

Robyn Rennick           It Didn't Just GO Away Because They Grew Older:         
                            Dyslexia/ADD/SLD Affects Adults in Many Different 
Sunday April 14 
12:15 - 1:30 PM         Special Interest Dialogs Box Lunch        " 
Sunday April 14 
1:30  - 3:30 PM         
Fred Edwards
Nancie Payne            The GED -- Ensuring Accommodations for Special Need     

Richard Gacka, Ed.D.    A Model of Neurodevelopmental Constructions and Its     
                            Applicability to Understanding Learning 
Differences in Adults

Laura Weisel, Ph.D. Emotions!  Targeting the Critical Prerequisite to Learning
Sunday April 14 
4:00 - 5:30 PM  
Robyn Rennick           Multisensory Structured Language Education:  More 
than                                Theories -- Practical and Accredited 
Curriculum for the                              Dyslexic/ADD/SLD Learner

Nancie Payne            Accessibility Certification for One-Stop Operations

Pat Hardman, Ph.D.      Dyslexia: Recent Research Findings and Implementations

Richard Cooper, Ph.D.   Alternative Math Techniques for Adult Learners with 
Learning                        Differences

Laura Weisel, Ph.D. PowerPath to Adult Basic Learning:  A Practical Intake,     
                            Diagnostic Screening, and Intervention System to 
Support LD                      Adults in Education and On-the-Job Settings

Tina Tucker
Frances Mary D'Andrea   Bridging the Gap:  Best Practices for Instructing 
Adults Who                          are Blind or Visually Impaired

Althea O'Haver          TRANSITIONS!: An Important Plan for the Future!

Sunday April 14 
5:30 - 7:00 PM          Networking Hospality    
Monday April 15
7:00 - 9:00 AM          Conference Registration 
Monday April 15 
8:00  - 10:00 AM    
Helen Irlen             Scotopic Sensitivity/Irlen Syndrome:  The Impact of 
Color on                        Reading….Research and Practice 

Pat Hardman, Ph.D       Issues Concerning Diagnosis of Adults with Suspected 
Learning                        Disabilities

MaryAnn Corley, Ph.D.                    
Garth Vaz, M.D.                         
Tonette Rocco, Ph.D.    Disabilities and Diversity:  The Sociocultural 
Dimension of                            Learning

Monday April 15                 
10:15 - 11:45 AM    
Helen Irlen             The Irlen Syndrome -- Screening and Remediating

Garth Vaz, M.D.         Growing up with LD and Succeeding

Margaret Lindop     "One Stop" for Resources on LD:  the LINCS Learning         
                            Disabilities and Literacy Special Collection

Laurie Martin           Helping ESL Students with Suspected Learning 
"Awards Luncheon and
Membership Meeting" 
12:00 - 1:30 PM     
Monday April 15     
2:00  - 3:30 PM 
Patricia Walsh          Post-Secondary Options for Adults with Disabilities

Laurie Martin           Employability and Retention Model for Adults with 
Suspected                       Learning Disabilities

Nancie Payne            The Success Factor - Metacognitive Connections

Robyn Rennick           A Model Literacy Program for Dyslexia/ADD/SLD

Richard Gacka, Ed.D.
Richard Cooper, PH.D.   Pennsylvania's Learning Differences Center and it's 
Role in                             Professional Development and Programmatic 

Monday April 15
3:45  - 5:15 PM     
Garth Vaz, M.D.         Helping the LD Adult Learner Succeed in the Classroom 
and in                      Life
Jodi Owens
Kristin Schultz     Financial Literacy - A Benefit to Those with Special Needs

Sam Drew, Ph.D.
Colleen Clark"          TV 411: A Supportive Medium for Learners with Special 

Jeff Fantine
Mary Lou Belisle        Goal-Setting & Lesson Planning the SMARTER Way

Richard Cooper, Ph.D.   Internet Resources for Serving Adults with LD/ADD

Bill Muth               Towards an Effective and Realistic Literacy Policy 
for Federal                         Prisoners with Learning Disabilities

Laura Weisel, Ph.D. Supporting Persons with Persistent Mental Illnesses in      
                        Education and Work
Monday April 15 
5:15 PM             Book Signing and Social Gathering in Exhibit Hall   
Tuesday April 16    
8:00  - 10:00 AM        
June Crawford           Learning Disabilities and Social Change in America: 
The Impact                      of the Bridges to  Practice Project 

Milele Landrum      Creating Success in Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons 
                            with LD

Susan Arnold            What Vocational Rehabilitation can do to Support 
Adults with                         Special Needs in Education and Workplace 

Tuesday April 16    
10:30 AM  - Noon    
Colleen Clark
Jim Washburn                       
Shelley Isaac
Jeff Fantine
Kathy Knall
Denise Pottmeyer        Managing Statewide Systemic Change to Screen and 
Support                             Adults with Special Learning Needs -- 
Don't Reinvent the                          Wheel!  Build on What We're 

Ann Murr
Sharon Martin           Wilson Reading: Program and Practice

Richard Cooper, Ph.D.   Techniques for Teaching Writing to Adults with Weak 
Written                         Language Skills
Debra Watkins 
Marilyn Derr            Tactile Science

Linda Willette          The WHOLE Language for ESL Adults with Special 
Learning                            Needs
Conclusion  12 Noon      

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