[NIFL-FAMILY:781] Research Agenda from the Goodling Institute for Research in

From: Eunice Askov (ena1@psu.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 17:11:19 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FAMILY:781] Research Agenda from the Goodling Institute for Research in
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We invite you to join a process that began last October with a Think 
Tank on building a research agenda for family literacy.  In October 
2001, under the sponsorship of the Goodling Institute for Research in 
Family Literacy at Penn State, a selected group of researchers, 
policy makers, and practitioners met to develop a research agenda for 
family literacy. After a report was written to summarize the meeting, 
participants were then invited to provide suggestions for improvement 
which have now been incorporated into the revised draft report. Now 
we would like to seek the reactions from the field. Please send your 
comments on the revised draft Think Tank report (entitled Family 
Literacy: A Research Agenda to Build the Future) to Eunice (Nickie) 
Askov, Co-Director, Goodling Institute for Research in Family 
Literacy, Penn State, by email ena1@psu.edu, fax <814-863-6108>, or 
postal mail, 102 Rackley Building, University Park, PA 16802 by March 
15. Thanks for your help in advancing the research agenda in family 

Family Literacy: A Research Agenda to Build the Future with 
appendices can be found at the Pennsylvania Family Literacy web site 
<http://www.ed.psu.edu/pafamilyliteracy/>.  Please click on the link 
entitled "Goodling Institute" to access the revised draft report.  We 
are looking forward to receiving your comments by March 15.  Nickie 
Eunice N. Askov, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Education
Co-Director, Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy
Co-Director for Research, Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy
Penn State University
102 Rackley Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814)865-0597 (telephone); (814)863-6108 (fax)

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