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The U.S. Department of Education helps to represent the U.S. Government in international organizations that have an interest in education. The International Affairs staff coordinates the Department's participation in these international organizations, as well as in international meetings.

topAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

The U.S. Department of Education helped to found the Education Network of APEC in 1992, and regularly represents the United States in the meetings.

topAsia Society

An organization designed to build understanding and communication between the peoples of the Americas and of Asia and the Pacific. It works to build awareness through art exhibitions, seminars, publications and programs for students, parents and teachers.

topBook Aid International

An organization that provides relevant books and information to organizations in developing countries to support local initiatives in literacy, education, training and publishing.

topCouncil on Basic Education Schools around the World

A multinational professional development model that provides science and math teachers from around the world with the opportunity to use student work to improve achievement by examining and reflecting upon their own teaching practice.

topCouncil on International Education Exchange

An organization that provides information, resources. and contacts for young people who are studying, working or traveling abroad.

topCNN Country Watch

A country-specific, geopolitical intelligence on the countries of the world.

topCultural Homestay International

An organization that serves students from 34 countries by offering short term homestay and academic programs for students wishing to study abroad.

topThe GLOBE Program

An interagency federal program in partnership with colleges, universities, state and local school systems, nongovernmental agencies, and 95 other countries. GLOBE works to improve students' understanding of the world through scientific experimentation in their communities and real life collaboration with scientists and experts.

topInstitute of International Education

An institute that encourages the flow of knowledge across national boundaries by establishing programs that unite students with scholars, artists, scientists, world leaders and business managers from various fields through their common interests and goals.

topInternational Baccalaureate Organization

An international foundation that designs programs for schools that provides a wide range of services and resources for students. It focuses on curriculum and assessment development, teacher training and electronic networking.

topInternational Bureau of Education

An organization with a mission to centralize documentation related to public and private education, to take an interest in scientific research in the educational field, and to serve as a coordinating center for institutions and societies concerned with education.

topInternational Council for Open and Distance Education

An international organization composed of education authorities, institutions, corporations and national and regional associations that encourages international cooperation in distance education.

topInternational Education Finance Commission

An organization that works to help international students with a variety of loan opportunities for international education programs. It partners with many significant loan agencies such as First Union Bank, the TERI Corporation, Fleet Bank, and the USA Group.

topInternational Reading Association

An international organization composed of leaders and potential leaders in the area of educational technology. Its goal is to promote the use of technology to improve teaching learning and administration in schools.

topLaubach Literacy International

A nonprofit corporation that helps adults of all ages learn basic reading, writing, math and problem solving skills. It has more than 1,000 programs in the United States and serves 36 countries abroad.

topOrganization of American States (OAS)

The U.S. Department of Education collaborates with the nations of the Western Hemisphere on educational issues through the OAS, and the Summit of the Americas process.

topOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

The U.S. Department of Education represents the United States on OECD's Education Committee and on the Governing Board of the Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). Through the OECD, the U.S. Department of Education participates in a number of comparative studies in education.

topUnited Nations (UN) Organizations

The U.S. Department of Education provides information on US educational policy, educational programs, and international educational issues to UN functional commissions and committees, UN specialized agencies, programs and funds, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) and other UN related organizations. Department of Education officials serve on U.S. delegations as participants in world conferences and meetings such as the World Summit for Social Development, the UN World Summit for Children, and UN Fourth World Conference on Women and Beijing + 5. Although the U.S. is not a current member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Department participates in UNESCO sponsored conferences and meetings such as the World Education Forum, Education for All, and the World Conference on Higher Education. The Department furnishes statistics for the UNESCO database on the education in the U.S.

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this page was last updated at 05/02/02 (jer)