[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 1, Parts 1 to 190] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR159a.35] [Page 825-826] TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER I--OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE PART 159a--INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM REGULATION--Table of Contents Subpart E--Marking Sec. 159a.35 Additional warning notices. (a) General Provisions. (1) In addition to the marking requirements prescribed in Sec. 159a.31(d), the warning notices prescribed in this section shall be displayed prominently on classified documents or materials, when applicable. In the case of documents, these warning notices shall be marked conspicuously on the outside of the front cover, or on the first page if there is no front cover. Transmittal documents, including those that are unclassified (Sec. 159a.35(g)), also shall bear these additional warning notices, when applicable. In addition, abbreviated forms of the notices set forth in Sec. 159a.35(a), (b), and (c) shall be included in portion markings, as applicable. Further, the warning notice in paragraph (d) of this section, in its short form, shall be included at least once on interior pages, as applicable. (2) When display of warning notices on other materials is not possible, their applicability to the information shall be included in the written notification of the assigned classification. (b) Restricted Data. Classified documents or material containing Restricted Data as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended shall be marked as follows: RESTRICTED DATA This material contains Restricted Data as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions. (c) Formerly Restricted Data. Classified documents or material containing Formerly Restricted Data, as defined in section 142.d, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, but no Restricted Data, shall be marked as follows: FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions. Handle as Restricted Data in foreign dissemination. Section 144.b, Atomic Energy Act, 1954. (d) Intelligence Sources or Methods Information. (1) Documents that contain information relating to intelligence sources or methods shall include the following marking unless otherwise proscribed by DoD Instruction 5230.22: WARNING NOTICE--Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved (2) Existing stamps or preprinted labels containing the caveat ``Warning Notice--Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved'' may be used on documents created on or after the effective date of this part until replacement is required. Any replacement or additional stamps or labels purchased after the effective date of this part shall conform to the wording of paragraph (d)(1) of this section. (e) COMSEC Material. Before release to contractors, COMSEC documents will indicate on the title page, or first page if no title page exists, the following notation: COMSEC Material--Access by Contractor Personnel Restricted to U.S. Citizens Holding Final Government Clearance. This notation shall be placed on COMSEC documents or material when originated and when release to contractors can be anticipated. Other COMSEC documents or material shall be marked in accordance with National COMSEC Instruction (NACSI) 4003. Foreign dissemination of COMSEC information is governed by NCSC Policy Directive 6. (f) Dissemination and Reproduction Notice. Classified information that the DoD originator has determined to be subject to special dissemination or reproduction limitations as outlined in Sec. 159a.54(1) shall include, as applicable, a statement or statements on its cover sheet, first page, or in the text, substantially as follows: [[Page 826]] Reproduction requires approval of originator or higher DoD authority. Further dissemination only as directed by (insert appropriate office or official) or higher DoD authority. (g) Other Notations. Other notations of restrictions on reproduction, dissemination or extraction of classified information may be used as authorized by DoD Directive C-5200.5, DoD Instruction 5230.22, DoD Directive 5210.2 \1\\4\, DoD Directive 5100.55 \1\\5\, DoD Directive 5200.30, Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 119, DoD Directive 5230.24, and NACSI 4003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\\4\ See footnote 1 to Sec. 159a.3. \1\\5\ See footnote 1 to Sec. 159a.3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------