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Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

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BRFSS Annual Survey Data

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Survey Data and Documentation

Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables in the 2004 Data File

Return to 2004 Survey Data  

Description or Result of Calculation Input Variables
(From Questionnaire)
Intermediate Variables
(May not be in Final Data Set)
Output Variables (In Final Data Set)
Section 1: Health Status
Risk Factor (RF) for fair or poor general health GENHLTH   _RFHLTH
Section 4: Exercise
RF for no leisure time physical activity EXERANY2   _TOTINDA
Section 7: Tobacco Use
Smoking Status: Everyday smoker, someday smoker, former smoker and nonsmoker SMOKE100, SMOKEDAY   _SMOKER2
RF for current smoking status SMOKE100, SMOKEDAY _SMOKER2 _RFSMOK2
Section 8: Alcohol Consumption
Drink occasions per day ALCDAY3   DROCCDY_
Drink alcoholic beverages in past 30 days (Y/N) ALCDAY3   DRNKANY3
RF for BINGE drinking (GE 5 drinks on an occasion) ALCDAY3, DRNK2GE5   _RFBING2
Number of Drinks of Alcohol per day ALCDAY3, AVEDRNK DROCCDY_ _DRNKDY2
Number of Drinks of Alcohol per month ALCDAY3, AVEDRNK DROCCDY_, _DRNKDY2 _DRNKMO2
RF for HEAVY drinking (GT 2 drinks per day for men, GT 1 drink per day for women) SEX, ALCDAY3, AVEDRNK _DRNKDY2 _RFDRHV2
RF for HEAVY drinking in men (GT 2 drinks per day) SEX, ALCDAY3, AVEDRNK _DRNKDY2 _RFDRMN2
RF for HEAVY drinking in women (GT 1 drink per day) SEX, ALCDAY3, AVEDRNK _DRNKDY2 _RFDRWM2
Section 9: Asthma
RF for lifetime asthma prevalence ASTHMA2   _LTASTHM
RF for current asthma prevalence ASTHMA2, ASTHNOW   _CASTHMA
Computed asthma status ASTHMA2, ASTHNOW   _ASTHMST
Section 11: Oral Health
RF for having had permanent teeth extracted RMVTEETH   _EXTEETH
RF for having had all permanent teeth extracted AGE, RMVTEETH   _ALTEETH
RF for having visited a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental clinic within the past year LASTDEN2, DENCLEAN   _DENTVST
Section 12: Immunization
RF for respondents aged 65 and older that have had a flu shot within the past year FLUSHOT2   _FLSHOT2
RF for respondent aged 65 and older that have ever had a pneumonia vaccine PNEUVAC2   _PNEUMOC
Section 13: Demographics – Race variables
Reported MRACE with trailing 7,8,9’s removed MRACE   MRACEORG
Reported MRACE with trailing 7,8,9’s removed in ascending order MRACE MRACEORG MRACEASC
Multiracial Race categorization MRACE MRACEORG, MRACEASC _MRACE
Race/Hispanic ethnicity combination code MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE RACE2
White, non-Hispanic and non-White or Hispanic race/ethnicity groupings. MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE, RACE2 _RACEG2
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White, Black, and Other race/ethnicity groupings MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE, RACE2 _RACEGR2
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White, Black, and Other race/ethnicity groupings MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE, RACE2, _RACEGR2 _RACE_G
Number of Census Race Categories Chosen MRACE MRACEORG, MRACEASC _CNRACE
Number of Census Race Categories Chosen, Collapsed MRACE MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _CNRACE _CNRACEC
Section 13: Demographics – Age variables
18-24 and then 5-year age groupings to 80+ AGE   _AGEG5YR
18-64 and 65+ age groupings AGE   _AGE65YR
18-64 and 65+ 10 year age groupings AGE _IMPAGE _AGEG_G
Section 13: Demographics – BMI Variables
Height in inches HEIGHT2   HTIN3
Height in meters HEIGHT2 HTIN3 HTM3
Weight in Kilograms WEIGHT2   WTKG2
Calculated Body Mass Index SEX, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT2 HTIN3, HTM3, WTKG2 _BMI4
Tri-level weight variable (normal, overweight, obese) based on Body Mass Index SEX, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT2 HTIN3, HTM3, WTKG2, _BMI4 _BMI4CAT
RF for Overweight or Obese Body Mass Index level SEX, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT2 HTIN3, HTM3, WTKG2, _BMI4 _RFBMI4
Section 13: Demographics—Other Variables
Calculated number of children in household CHILDREN   _CHLDCNT
Calculated education level completed EDUCA   _EDUCAG
Calculate income categories INCOME2   _INCOMG
Section 15: Women's Health
RF for women age 40 and older that have not had a mammogram in past 2 years HADMAMM, HOWLONG, SEX, AGE   _RFMAM2Y
RF for women age 18 and older, with intact cervix, that have not had a pap smear with the past 3 years HADPAP2, LASTPAP2, HADHYST2, PREGNANT, SEX, AGE   _RFPAP32
Section 16: Prostate Cancer Screening
RF for men age 40 and older that have not had a PSA test within the past 2 years PSATEST, PSATIME, SEX, AGE   _RFPSA2Y
Section 17: Colorectal Cancer Screening
RF for age 50 and older that have not had a blood stool test within the past 2 years BLDSTOOL, LSTBLDS2, AGE   _RFBLDST
RF for age 50 and older that have never had sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy HADSIGM3, AGE   _RFSIGM2
Section 20: HIV/AIDS
RF for age 18-64 that have ever been tested for HIV HIVTST4, AGE   _AIDTST2
RF for age 18-64 that have ever participated in high-risk behavior HIVRISK2, AGE   _HIGHRSK
RF for age 18-64 that have ever been counseled within the past 12 months for prevention of STD through condom use PCSAIDS2, AGE   _STDCND2
Section 21: Firearms
RF for living in home with loaded firearm FIREARM4, GUNLOAD   _RFFRARM
RF for living in home with loaded and unlocked firearm FIREARM4, GUNLOAD, LOADULK2   _RFFRAR2

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Available Survey Data
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Page last reviewed: 06/30/2008
Page last updated: 06/30/2008

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Adult and Community Health