[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 2, Parts 191 to 399] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR216.3] [Page 348-349] TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE (CONTINUED) PART 216--MILITARY RECRUITING AND RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS PROGRAM ACCESS TO INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION--Table of Contents Sec. 216.3 Definitions. Anti-ROTC policy. A policy or practice whereby a covered school prohibits or in effect prevents the Secretary of Defense from maintaining, establishing, or efficiently operating a unit of the Senior ROTC at the covered school; or prohibits or in effect prevents a student at the covered school from enrolling in a Senior ROTC unit at another institution of higher education. Covered school. An institution of higher education, or a subelement of an institution of higher education, subject to the following clarifications: (1) In the event of a determination (Sec. 216.5) affecting only a subelement of a parent institution (see Sec. 216.3(d)), the limitations on the use of funds (Sec. 216.4 [[Page 349]] (a) and (b)) shall apply only to the subelement and not to the parent institution as a whole. (2) The limitations on the use of funds (Sec. 216.4 (a) and (b)) shall not apply to any individual institution of higher education that is part of a single university system that does not prevent entry to campus, access to students, or access to student information by military recruiters, or have an anti-ROTC policy, even though another campus of the same system is affected by a determination under Sec. 216.5(a). Directory information on students. The student's name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, level of education, academic major, degrees received, and the educational institution in which the student most recently was enrolled. Institution of higher education. A domestic college, university, or subelement thereof providing postsecondary school courses of study, including foreign campuses of such domestic institutions. The term includes junior colleges, community colleges, and institutions providing courses leading to undergraduate and post-graduate degrees. The term does not include entities that operate exclusively outside the United States, its territories, and possessions. A subelement of an institution of higher education is a discrete (although not necessarily autonomous) organizational entity that may establish policies or practices affecting military recruiting and related actions (e.g., an undergraduate school, a law school, a medical school, or other graduate schools). For example, the School of Law of XYZ University is a subelement of its parent institution (XYZ University). Student. An individual who is 17 years of age or older and is enrolled at a covered school.