[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 2, Parts 191 to 399] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR390.6] [Page 1068] TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE (CONTINUED) PART 390--ARMED FORCES RADIOBIOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE--Table of Contents Sec. 390.6 Functions. Under established DoD policies, AFRRI shall: (a) Operate research facilities for the study of radiobiology and ionizing radiation bioeffects, and disseminate the results. (1) The scope of this research shall reflect requirements identified by DoD Components in support of military operational planning and employment (current and future), and shall give special emphasis to individual and organizational performances under nuclear combat conditions in realistc operational scenarios. (2) The AFRRI program shall consider the present and projected threats, Service operational concepts and weapons, and defense systems developments. (b) Provide analysis, study, and consultation on the impact of the biological effects of ionizing radiation on the organizational efficiency of the Military Services and their members. (c) Conduct cooperative research with the Military Medical Departments in those aspects of military operational and medical support considerations related to nuclear weapons effects and the radio biological hazards of space operations. (d) Conduct advanced training in the field of radiobiology and the biological effects of nuclear weapons to meet the internal requirements of AFRRI, the Military Services, and other DoD Components and organizations. (e) Perform such other functions as may be assigned.