[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 2, Parts 191 to 399] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR204.9] [Page 323-324] TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE (CONTINUED) PART 204--USER CHARGES--Table of Contents Sec. 204.9 Examples of benefits not to be charged under provisions of Sec. 204.4(c)(4) of this part. (a) Services requested by members of the U.S. Armed Forces in their capacity as Service members. (b) Services requested by members of the U.S. Armed Forces who are in a casualty status, or requested by their next of kin or legal representative, or requested by any source, when it relates to a casualty. (c) The address of record of a member or former member of the U.S. Armed Forces when the address is available readily through a directory (locator) service, and when the address is requested by a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or by a relative or a legal representative of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or when the address of record is requested by any source for the purpose of paying monies or forwarding property to a member or former member of the U.S. Armed Forces. (d) Services requested by or on behalf of a member or former member of the U.S. Armed Forces or, if deceased, his or her next of kin or legal representative that pertain to the following: (1) Information required to obtain financial benefits regardless of the terms of separation from the Service. (2) Document showing membership and military record in the Armed Forces if discharge or release was under honorable conditions, except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section. (3) Information relating to a decoration or award or required for memorilization purposes. (4) Review or change in type of discharge or correction of records. (5) Personal documents, such as birth certificates, when such documents are required to be furnished by the member. (e) Services that are furnished free in accordance with statutes or executive orders. (f) Information from or copies of medical and dental records or X- ray films of patients or former patients of military medical or dental facilities, when such information is required and requests for such data are (1) submitted by an accredited medical facility, physician, or dentist; or (2) requested by the patient, his or her next of kin, or legal representative. (g) Services involving confirmation of employment, disciplinary or other records, and salaries of active or separated civilian or military personnel, when requested by prospective employers or recognized sources of inquiry for credit or financial purposes. (h) Services requested by and furnished to a Member of Congress for official use. (i) Services requested by state, territorial, county, or municipal government, or an agency thereof, that is performing a function related to or furthering of a DoD objective. (j) Services requested by a court, when the service will serve as a substitute for personal court appearance of a military or civilian employee of the Department of Defense. (k) Services requested by a nonprofit organization that is performing a function related to or furthering an objective of the Federal Government or that is in the interest of public health and welfare, including education. (l) Services requested by an individual or corporation that is performing a function related to or furthering an objective of the Federal Government, when the cost of such services would be chargeable to a Federal Government contract or grant held by the individual or corporation. (m) Services requested by donors with respect to their gifts. (n) Requests for occasional and incidental services (including requests from residents of foreign countries), that are not requested often, when it is [[Page 324]] determined administratively that a fee would be inappropriate for the occasional and incidental services. (o) Requests from Federal employees for the completion of claims for reimbursement under the Federal Employees Health Benefit Act of 1959. (p) Administrative services provided by reference or reading rooms to inspect public records, excluding copies of records or documents furnished. (q) Requests for military locator service by financial organizations that are located on DoD installations. (r) Requests for military locator service by financial organizations that are engaged in the direct deposit program and that are not located on DoD installations. Requests for an address of record shall include the following: (1) A statement that the financial organization is listed as a direct deposit recipient in the current U.S. Treasury Bureau of Accounts, ``Financial Organizations Directory.'' (2) A statement that the individual, whose address is being requested, has his or her pay forwarded as a direct deposit by a DoD disbursing officer. (3) The individual's financial organization's account number. (s) Services rendered in response to requests for classification review of DoD classified records, submitted under Executive Order 12065 and implemented by 32 CFR part 159. Such services consist of the work performed in conducting the classification review or in granting and completing an appeal from a denial of declassification following such review. (t) Services of a humanitarian nature performed in such emergency situations as life-saving transportation for non-U.S. Armed Forces patients, search and rescue operations, and airlift of personnel and supplies to a disaster site. This does not mean that inter- and intra- Governmental agreements to recover all or part of costs should not be negotiated. Rather, it means the recipient or beneficiary will not be assessed a ``user charge.'' [51 FR 16024, Apr. 23, 1986. Redesignated and amended at 56 FR 64482, Dec. 10, 1991]