[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 2, Parts 191 to 399] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR204.7] [Page 322] TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE (CONTINUED) PART 204--USER CHARGES--Table of Contents Sec. 204.7 Collections. (a) Collections of charges and fees shall be made in advance of rendering the service, except when preservation of life or property is involved, performance is authorized by law without advance payment, or advance payment is impractical because multiple requests for services are received on a continuing basis from a reliable requester (i.e., consistently prompt payments for services received). When an advance collection exception is approved, an accounts receivable will be established to control collections. The policies in DoD 7220.9-M, DoD Directive 5010.38, and DoD Directive 7045.13 shall be used in accounting, controlling, and managing cash and debt collections. (1) Collections of fees and charges normally will be deposited to Miscellanous Receipts of the Treasury unless otherwise authorized by law or regulation. (2) Collections for utilities and services in connection with the lease of property will be deposited to the appropriation or fund responsible for financing the operations of the equipment or facility. [[Page 323]]