Clean Water Action Plan

    Green Bar

    Unified Federal Policy for Ensuring a Watershed Approach to Federal Land and Resource Management

    Green Bar


    To accomplish these policy goals, we propose to use existing funding, personnel, and authorities to pursue the following objectives. All agencies will implement this policy as individual agency laws, missions, funding, and fiscal and budgetary authorities permit.

    1. We will develop a science-based approach to watershed assessment for Federal lands. Watershed assessment information will become part of the basis for identifying management opportunities and priorities and for developing alternatives to protect or restore watersheds.
      1. We will develop consistent procedures for delineating, assessing, and classifying watersheds.
        1. We will work together to define and implement interagency guidelines for the delineation of watershed (5th level) hydrologic unit code boundaries.
        2. Building on current efforts, we will develop and test watershed assessment procedures in watersheds that have been delineated using the interagency guidelines. The watershed assessment procedures will outline a process to:
          1. Focus on the analysis of factors that most directly influence changes in the condition of the specific watershed of interest (for example, meteorology, surface and ground water, soils, geology, vegetation, topography, channel geometry factors, and natural and human disturbances).
          2. Determine existing conditions and reference conditions.
          3. Identify the significance and the causes of the differences between existing and reference conditions for the watershed and the potential for recovery.
        3. We will develop a framework for consistent classification of the condition of watersheds with significant Federal lands and resources. The framework will use the results of the watershed assessments.
      2. We will conduct assessments of watersheds that have significant Federal lands and resources.
        1. We will assess the affects of our current and past actions on the condition of watersheds with significant Federal lands and resources in cooperation with States, Tribes, local governments, private landowners, and interested stakeholders, using the procedures developed in Section II.A.1.b and recognizing current agreements.
        2. We will develop schedules for assessments and identify necessary funding and personnel.
        3. We will conduct assessments in priority watersheds on a 10-year cycle, or on a periodic cycle that better demonstrates changes in a particular watershed's condition over time. We will conduct assessments in other watersheds on a planned, periodic cycle.
        4. We will use watershed assessments, where available, to improve management of Federal lands and resources. We will provide the results of assessments to States, Tribes, and local governments and use these assessments to assist States, Tribes, and local governments in protecting and restoring watersheds designated as priorities by State and Tribal Unified Watershed Assessments, Source Water Assessments or other assessments.
    2. We will use a watershed management approach when protecting and restoring watersheds.
      1. We will work collaboratively to identify priority watersheds.
        1. We will work with States, Tribes, local governments, private landowners, and interested stakeholders to identify specific watersheds with significant Federal lands and resources as priorities for protection, management, and improvement.
        2. We will identify priority watersheds based on factors that include:
          1. The percentage of the watershed under Federal management;
          2. Issues the Federal agencies identify, including possible adverse effects on surface and ground water quality;
          3. Magnitude of water quality impairment, impacts to aquatic resources, and/or changes to flow regime;
          4. State and Tribal Unified Watershed Assessments and Source Water Assessments;
          5. Vulnerability of the watershed to degradation; and
          6. Substantive public interest.
      2. Using existing legal authorities, we will develop a process and guidelines for identifying and designating waters or watersheds on Federal lands that may have significant human health, public use, or aquatic ecosystem values and a need for special protection.
      3. We will implement pollution prevention and controls, consistent with applicable legal authorities.
        1. We will address nonpoint and point source pollution from Federal land management activities, protect or improve water quality, and meet applicable State and Tribal water quality requirements under the Clean Water Act.
        2. We will work with States, Tribes, and local governments to address nonpoint sources of pollution by:
          1. Identifying best management practices (BMPs) and management strategies that meet applicable Federal, State, and Tribal water quality requirements;
          2. Adjusting BMPs when monitoring reveals that they do not adequately protect water quality; and
          3. Mitigating impacts when implementation of BMPs results in unexpected adverse water quality impacts.
      4. We will improve watershed conditions through restoration and adaptive management. We will strive to work with States, Tribes, local governments, private landowners, and interested stakeholders to improve the condition of priority watersheds. Changes in management strategies and restoration efforts will focus on watersheds where Federal land and resource management activities can meaningfully influence surface and ground water quality and aquatic resources.
      5. We will base watershed management on scientific principles and methods. We will use scientific information from research and management experience in designing and implementing watershed planning and management programs, and setting management goals (e.g., desired conditions). To expand current knowledge, we will collaborate to identify research needs and contribute to or sponsor research, as appropriate.
      6. We will identify and incorporate watershed management goals into our planning, programs, and actions. We will periodically review and amend, as appropriate, policies and management plans for Federal lands and resources to meet goals for watershed protection and improvement. We will incorporate adaptive management principles into our programs. Our watershed goals will seek to minimize adverse water quality impacts due to ongoing and future management programs, minimize impairment of current or future uses, and restore watersheds where applicable State and Tribal water quality requirements under the Clean Water Act are not achieved due to activities occurring on Federal lands.
      7. We will help Tribes and States develop science-based total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). We will assist and support State and Tribal efforts to develop and implement TMDLs in watersheds with significant Federal land and resource management activities. We will provide technical assistance, tools, and expertise. We will use TMDL results in watershed planning and subsequent resource management activities to meet applicable State and Tribal water quality requirements under the Clean Water Act.
    3. We will improve our compliance with water quality requirements under the Clean Water Act.
      1. We will review agency policies to improve compliance with water quality requirements. We will identify and review our rules, policies, and procedures that affect water quality or watershed conditions for compliance under the Clean Water Act with applicable Federal, State, Tribal, interstate, and local requirements for preventing and controlling water pollution.
      2. We will integrate water quality standards and watershed management goals. We will work collaboratively to clarify relationships under the Clean Water Act among BMPs, TMDLs, and State and Tribal water quality standards to achieve the following goals:
        1. Better coordination of watershed goals and objectives;
        2. Better sharing of scientific and technical data, equipment, and expertise;
        3. Better support to the State/Tribal triennial reviews so that they reflect the importance of natural background loadings;
        4. Better implementation mechanisms for meeting standards under the Clean Water Act, including practical interim measures where standards are not immediately achievable; and
        5. Consistent treatment of Federal and non-Federal entities.
      3. We will review our policies and processes that may affect land and water uses and water quality. In cooperation with Tribes and States, we will review our policies and processes for land and water uses that may affect water quality and watershed condition. We will consider revising these policies or processes, as appropriate, to ensure that they address watershed protection, improvement, monitoring, and water quality compliance.
    4. We will enhance collaboration.
      1. We will improve cooperation among Federal agencies. We will address water quality and aquatic ecosystem issues for watersheds at the national, regional, and field levels.
      2. We will improve cooperation with States, Tribes, and local governments. We will develop formal agreements as appropriate with States, Tribes, and local governments to clarify responsibilities for watershed management. These agreements will seek a watershed-based approach for preventing or reducing pollution from point and nonpoint sources.
      3. We will expand opportunities for participation by interested stakeholders. We will seek participation by interested stakeholders in watershed planning and management decisions using available mechanisms in existing planning processes. We will:
        1. Identify specific opportunities for review and comment by interested stakeholders during Federal land and watershed planning efforts;
        2. Provide opportunities for interested stakeholders to participate in monitoring and assessing watershed conditions and in implementing watershed restoration projects; and
        3. Seek early feedback on key decisions affecting watershed management and carefully consider this feedback in agency decision-making.
      4. We will expand opportunities for dialogue with private landowners. In priority watersheds with a mix of Federal and private lands, we will work with private sector landholders to involve them in the watershed management process. We will work closely to help ensure that Federally funded projects involving private cost-share partners fully consider watershed management objectives for both public and private lands.
      5. We will coordinate monitoring. We will develop and implement a coordinated monitoring and evaluation approach and will monitor water quality trends and our management activities to determine whether progress is being made in protecting and improving water quality.
      6. We will share training, information, and technical expertise. To promote collaboration and consistency in watershed management practices, we will continue, expand, develop, implement, and make available joint training programs; share information and technical expertise; transfer technologies for watershed management; and develop a consistent way to organize and present information and make it more accessible.

    This policy does not create any right or benefit, or trust responsibility, substantive or procedural, enforceable by a party against the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities, its officers or employees, or any other person. This policy does not alter or amend any requirement under statute, regulation, or Executive Order.

    For the Department of Agriculture:
    Dated: 9/20/00
    /s/ James R. Lyons
    James R. Lyons
    Under Secretary
    Natural Resources and Environment
    For the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
    Dated: 10/2/2000
    /s/ D. James Baker
    D. James Baker
    Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere
    For the Department of Defense:
    Dated: 9/28/2000
    /s/ Patricia L. Toppings
    Patricia L. Toppings
    Alternate OSC Federal Register Liaison Officer
    For the Department of Energy:
    Dated: September 22, 2000
    /s/ David Michaels
    David Michaels, PhD, MPH
    Assistant Secretary Environment, Safety and Health
    For the Department of the Interior:
    Dated: 9//7/00
    /s/ Sylvia V. Baca
    Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management
    For the Environmental Protection Agency:
    Dated: 8/29/00
    /s/ J. Charles Fox
    J. Charles Fox
    Assistant Administrator for Water
    For the Tennessee Valley Authority:
    Dated: 9/1/00
    /s/ Ruben O. Hernandez
    Ruben O. Hernandez
    Vice President, Resource Stewardship
    For the Army Corps of Engineers:
    Dated: 9/14/00
    /s/ Joseph W. Westphal
    Joseph W. Westphal
    Assistant Secretary of the Army
    (Civil Works)

    Green Bar

    Clean Water Action Plan Home
    Revised October 17, 2000