[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 2, Parts 191 to 399] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR380.4] [Page 1027] TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE (CONTINUED) PART 380--DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONAL TEST AND EVALUATION--Table of Contents Sec. 380.4 Responsibilities. The Director of Operational Test and Evaluation shall serve as the Principal Staff Assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense on OT&E in the Department of Defense and the principal OT&E official within the senior management of the Department of Defense. In this capacity, the Director, OT&E, shall: (a) Prescribe policies and procedures for the conduct of OT&E within the Department of Defense. (b) Provide advice and make recommendations to the Secretary of Defense, and issue guidance to and consult with the heads of the DoD Components with respect to OT&E in the Department of Defense in general, and with respect to specific OT&E to be conducted in connection with a major defense acquisition program. (c) Designate selected special interest weapons, equipment, or munitions as major defense acquisition programs, as the Director, OT&E considers appropriate to carry out section 136a of title 10 U.S.C. and the responsibilities functions, and authorities assigned to the Director, OT&E under this part. Such a designation applies exclusively to the implementation of section 136a of title 10 U.S.C and this part, and does not extend to other purposes for which the term may be used outside of this context. (d) Develop systems and standards for the administration and management of approved OT&E plans for major defense acquisition programs. (e) Monitor and review all OT&E in the Department of Defense to ensure adherence to approved policies and standards. (f) Coordinate operational testing conducted jointly by more than one DoD Component. (g) Coordinate Joint Operational Test and Evaluation (JOT&E) programs to obtain information pertinent to operational doctrine, tactics, and procedures. (h) Initiate plans, programs, actions, and taskings to ensure that OT&E for major defense acquisition programs is designed to evaluate the operational effectiveness and suitability of U.S. military weapon systems. (i) Review and make recommendations to the Secretary of Defense on all budgetary and financial matters relating to OT&E, including operational test facilities and equipment. (j) Review and report to the Secretary of Defense on the adequacy of operational test planning, priorities, support resources, execution, evaluation, and reporting for major defense acquisition programs while avoiding unnecessary duplication. (k) Promote coordination, cooperation, and mutual understanding within the Department of Defense and between the Department of Defense and other federal agencies, state, local and foreign governments, and the civilian community with regard to OT&E matters. (l) Serve on boards, committees, and other groups pertaining to assigned OT&E, and represent the Secretary of Defense on OT&E matters outside the Department of Defense. (m) Execute such other related responsibilities as the Secretary of Defense may prescribe.