• Bush poses with international visitors (AP Images)

    International Visitors to Monitor U.S. Elections

    President Bush meets with 44 women from the Middle East and North Africa who will be watching the elections in various U.S. states November 4. In a more official capacity, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe will be monitoring the U.S. election.

  • The candidates (Harris Interactive)

    John McCain or Barack Obama? Election Day Nears

    With Election Day nearing, Republican nominee John McCain and Democratic nominee Barack Obama are furiously crisscrossing the United States looking to connect with voters in key battleground states. Learn more about what to expect from America.gov.

  • Three Shoshone women in front of mountain range (AP Images)

    American Indian Vote Will Be Factor in Some States

    American Indians represent a significant voting bloc in some states. In this decade, they have made the difference in electing two U.S. senators from South Dakota and Montana. Above, three generations of Shoshone women pose in the Lemhi Valley near Salmon, Idaho.

In the Headlines

  • What to Expect on Election Day

    Find out what to expect and what to watch for as Americans go to the polls to select their next president, hundreds of federal officials and thousands of local officials.

  • Election Highlights Political Work

    On November 4, in villages, towns and cities across the United States, thousands of volunteers will rise before dawn to lend a hand for the U.S. elections.

Popular Topics

  • Elections
    U.S. Elections

    Watch the political process unfold as the world's oldest democracy prepares for Election Day.

  • The Arts
    The Arts

    U.S. arts reflect the diversity, creativity and vigor of a country enriched by its immigrant roots.

Coming Up

  • Elections
    U.S. Elections

    America.gov keeps you up to date with webchats and webcasts November 4 and 5

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