PubMed | Entrez | BLAST | OMIM | Books | TaxBrowser | Structure |
Guide to NCBI resources About NCBI A Science Primer BLAST / PSI-BLAST Information and tutorials BLAST statistics |
Alignment Guide - general procedures for finding a structural template for a protein sequence of unknown structure. PubMed Central - demonstration of obtaining full text articles in the PubMed Central digital archive.
Amino Acid Explorer - displays the properties and structures of amino acids, predicts residue changes resulting from DNA mutations, lists functions of conserved amino acids in proteins domains and much more. E-Bench - builds E-Utility URLs from either a form or by hand, then displays their raw output. Ebot - generates a Perl script to execute an automated Entrez search or retrieval using an E-Utility pipeline via online form. PSSM Viewer - displays, sorts, subsets, and downloads position-specific score matrices (PSSM) from either CDD records or from PSI-BLAST searches. The tool can also align a query protein to the PSSM and highlight positions of high conservation.
Materials from courses previously taught at NCBI are available for downloading. These courses are no longer offered as of March 2008. Course materials include the NCBI Field Guide, NCBI Minicourses, Exploring 3D Molecular Structures, and NCBI Powerscripting. Course materials were last updated in March 2008.
Revised: September 30, 2008. |