[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 5, Parts 700 to 799] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR700.756] [Page 31] TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER VI--DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PART 700--UNITED STATES NAVY REGULATIONS--Table of Contents Subpart G--The Commanding Officer Sec. 700.756 Duties of the prospective commanding officer of a ship. (a) Except as may be prescribed by the Chief of Naval Operations, the prospective commanding officer of a ship not yet commissioned shall have no independent authority over the preparation of the ship for service by virtue of his assignment to such duty, until the ship is commissioned and transferred to his command. As the prospective commanding officer, he shall: (1) Procure from the commander of the naval shipyard or the supervisor of shipbuilding the general arrangement plans of the ship, and all the pertinent information relative to the general condition of the ship and the work being undertaken on the hull, machinery, and equipment, upon reporting for duty. (2) Inspect the ship as soon after reporting for duty as practicable, and frequently thereafter, in order to keep himself informed of the state of her preparation for service. If, during the course of these inspections, he notes an unsafe or potentially unsafe condition, he shall report such condition to the commander of the naval shipyard or the supervisor of shipbuilding and to his superior for resolution. (3) Keep himself informed as to the progress of the work being done, including tests of equipment, and make such recommendations to the commander of the naval shipyard or the supervisor of shipbuilding as he deems appropriate. (4) Ensure that requisitions are submitted for articles to outfit the ship which are not otherwise being provided. (5) Prepare the organization of the ship. (6) Make such reports as may be required by higher authority, and include therein a statement of any deficiency in material or personnel. (b) If the prospective commanding officer does not consider the ship in proper condition to be commissioned at the time the commander of the naval shipyard or the supervisor of shipbuilding signifies his intention of transferring the ship to him, he shall report that conclusion with his reasons therefor, in writing, to the commander of the naval shipyard or the supervisor of shipbuilding and to the appropriate higher authority. (c) If the ship is elsewhere than at a naval shipyard, the relationship between the prospective commanding officer and the supervisor of shipbuilding, or other appropriate official, shall be the same as that between the prospective commanding officer and the commander of a naval shipyard as specified in this article. [[Page 32]]