Food And Drug Administration

Center For Biologics Evaluation And Research

Vaccines And Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting

February 20 - 21, 2008

Hilton Hotel, Washington DC North/Gaithersburg

620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg, MD 20877




Day 1 – February 20, 2008


Open Session


8:30 a.m.         Call to Order and Opening Remarks                 John Modlin, M.D., Acting Chair

8:35                 Administrative Matters                                      Christine Walsh, R.N., FDA


Topic 1: Safety and Efficacy of Rotavirus Vaccine Manufactured by GSK Biologicals


8:50 a.m.         FDA Brief Introduction/                                   Steven Rosenthal, M.D., FDA

Presentation of Questions


9:00                 Sponsor Presentation                                         GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals


10:30               Break


10:45               FDA Presentation                                              Steven Rosenthal, M.D., FDA


11:45               Lunch


1:00 p.m.         Open Public Hearing


1:30                 FDA Presentation of Questions                         Steven Rosenthal, M.D., FDA


1:40                 Committee Discussion of FDA Questions/

                        Committee Recommendations


4:00 p.m.         Adjourn for the day




Day 2 – February 21, 2008


Open Session


8:30 a.m.         Call to Order and Opening Remarks                          John Modlin, M.D., Acting Chair

8:35                 Administrative Matters                                               Christine Walsh, R.N., FDA


Topic 2: Strain Selection for the Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2008 – 2009 Season


8:45 a.m.         Introduction                                                                Jerry Weir, Ph.D., FDA


9:00                 U.S. Surveillance                                                        Joseph Bresee, M.D., CDC


9:15                 World Surveillance/Strain Characterization                Nancy Cox, Ph.D., CDC


10:00               Vaccine Effectiveness Report                                                Angela Owens/Thomas Gibbons,

                                                                                                            Major, USAF, BSC, Ph.D.


10:15               Vaccine Responses                                                     Zhiping Ye, M.D., Ph.D., FDA


10:35               Availability of Strains and Reagents                          Rajesh Gupta, Ph.D., FDA


10:45               Break


11:00               Comments from Manufacturers                                  Tony Colegate


11:20               Open Public Hearing


11:50               Strain Selection Options/                                            Jerry Weir, Ph.D., FDA

Committee Discussion and Recommendations


1:00                 Lunch



Topic 3: Clinical Development of Influenza Vaccines for Pandemic and Pre-Pandemic Uses


2:00 p.m.         Summary of FDA/NIH/WHO December 2007                Hana Golding Ph.D., FDA

                        Workshop: Immune Correlates of Protection Against

            Influenza A Viruses in Support of Pandemic Vaccine



2:10                Update on H5N1 Surveillance                                          Nancy Cox Ph.D., CDC


2:30                 Pandemic and Pre-pandemic Influenza                            Joseph Toerner, M.D., M.P.H., FDA

                        Vaccine Development Issues                                                 


2: 45                Open Public Hearing


3:15                 Committee Discussion


4:30 p.m.         Adjourn meeting