[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 6, Parts 800 to end] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR806b.26] [Page 30-31] TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER VII--DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE PART 806b-AIR FORCE PRIVACY ACT PROGRAM--Table of Contents Subpart G--Protecting and Disposing of Records Sec. 806b.26 Disposing of records. You may use the following methods to dispose of records protected by the Privacy Act according to records retention schedules: [[Page 31]] (a) Destroy by any method that prevents compromise, such as tearing, burning, or shredding, so long as the personal data is not recognizable and beyond reconstruction. (b) Degauss or overwrite magnetic tapes or other magnetic medium. (c) Dispose of paper products through the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) or through activities who manage a base-wide recycling program. The recycling sales contract must contain a clause requiring the contractor to safeguard privacy material until its destruction and to pulp, macerate, shred, or otherwise completely destroy the records. Originators must safeguard Privacy Act material until it is transferred to the recycling contractor. A federal employee or, if authorized, a contractor employee must witness the destruction. This transfer does not require a disclosure accounting.