Asthma and Allergies
What is asthma? What causes it? What cn you do? What is medical science doing to help?

Create a new climate for action
Join with other teens to green your energy scene. You can make a difference to the planet, children's health, and the future. Use the tools on this site to get smart on how you can help and calculate your impact. Become a Climate Ambassador by motivating your friends, school, and community to address climate change and children's health.

Help! It's a Roach!
Is your family bugged by roaches? You're not alone. Although people may think roaches like dirty places, even the cleanest homes can have them.

Learn About Chemicals Around Your House
There are many household products used around your home. What do you know about them?

National Institute of Environmental Health Science
Games, puzzles, art, and more -- all about science, the environment, and environmental careers.

Sunwise Kids
Do you know how to protect yourself from the sun? Here's what to do and why it's important.

What is a Pesticide?
This page includes a definition of what a pesticide is as well as examples of common pesticides that can be found around the house.