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Sample Documents
Area Listings
This table provides direct links to all "Sample Documents" by areas.  If you notice errors in this listing, please contact the web editor for this page.

 Air and Noise
 Hwy 62 AQ Technical Report Addendum  Hwy 62 Title and Table
 I5@Beltline EA Air Quality Report  Noise Study Report I-5 at Beltline
 REA Air Quality  Statewide Air Quality Report
 Statewide Noise Study Report  
 Air Quality Report for a Categorical Exclusion Project located in a CO Maintenance Area
 Air Quality Report for a Categorical Exclusion Project located in a PM10 Maintenance Area
 Air Quality Report for a Project EIS/EA located in an Attainment Area
 Air Quality Report for a Project EIS/EA located in a CO Maintenance Area
 Air Quality Report for an Indirect Source Construction Permit (ISCP) Application
 Air Quality Report for Regional Analysis for a Project in a Rural (non-MPO) Area
 Archaeology Survey Report  Sample PA Memo
 No Effect Letter  SHPO Cover Page Example
 Non-Federal SHPO Letter  SHPO Cover Page Requirements
 Non-FHWA No Effect Letter
 BA Document QA Checklist  EFH Response to FHWA - Template
 Template informal consult. to NMFS/USFWS  FHWA Response to NMFS - Template
 FHWA No Effect Document Template  In-Water Work Ext BA-BO Amend. Form
 Cut/Fill Slope Failure Program. Bio. Opinion  Work Ext. BA-BO Amend. Processing Dir.
 Drilling Programmatic Biological Opinion  Std Local Oper. Pro. for Endangered Species 
 Biological Opinion  TOC Final
 Final Appendices  Cover Page
     Appendix 1-A  Executive Summary
     Appendix 3B  Sec 1.0 - 4.0
     Appendix_2C_Participants  Section 5 & 6
     Appendix_3A_NonESA_PS  Section7 & 8
     EOE-Appendix2B  Section 9
     ESLAppendix2A  Liaison Contacts
 Conservation Mitigation
 DSL Application for Mitigation Checklist  DSL Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Form
 Monitoring Form Success Criteria 9-2004  
 Cultural Resources
 Blank Cultural Forms  Context Statements
   4(f) Programmatic - Historic Bridges    Oregon Interstate Hwy Overview 2004
   4(f) Programmatic - Minor Takes    SBG Bridges in Oregon 
   DOE Form - Bridges  Example 4F Documents
   DOE Form - Blank    4(f) Full Evaluation
   DOE Form - Historic Districts    4(f) Programmatic - Historic Bridge
   DOE Form - Multiple Property Submittal    4(f) Programmatic - Minor Take
   FOE Form - Blank  Example Baseline Report
   ORS 358 Consultation Form    Cultural Resources Baseline Report
 Example 106 Documents  Example MOA 
   DOE Example - Bridge    Example MOA
   DOE Example - Individual Property  ORS 358 Documentation Examples
   DOE Example - MPS    ORS 358 Documentation Submittal
   FOE Example    ORS 358 Documentation Submittal - Bridges
   FOE Example - Adverse  NEPA Cultural Report
   Sample News Releases    Cultural Resources Technical Report - NEPA
 Programmatic Agreement    
   Example Programmatic Agreement Memo    
 Environmental Baseline Reporting
 Sample Environmental Baseline Report  Report 4.zip
 Additional Research Structure Survey Report
Asbestos, Lead-paint, Mercury, PCBs, etc.
 ASTM Phase 1  Beneficial Water Use Determination
 Groundwater Field Sampling Form  ISA Checklist
 Level 1 Corridor Study  Level 2 PSI
 Minimal Assessment Memo  NFA Response
 RBCA  Simple Surplus Property Memo
ODOT Site Specific Health & Safety Plan       Internal ODOT Customers Only *
 Work Plan
ODOT Generic Health & Safety Plan           Internal ODOT Customers Only *
 Material Sources 
 MS Narrative Packet  
 NEPA Coordination
 EA  EIS - Pioneer Mtn. Eddyville DEIS 
   Downtown Brookings EA+4f 2004    Executive Summary
   I-5 Beltline Interchange REA 6-06-03    Pioneer Mtn Eddyville DEIS
   Lake Creek EA 2004  South Medford Interchange 
   Lake Creek Revised EA 2004 a    SMI Record of Decision 061804
   Modoc to Algoma Revised EA    South Medford Interchange DEIS + 4f
 NEPA Tech Reports - Downtown Brookings    South Medford Interchange FEIS + 4f
   TechRpt- Hazmat  Spencer Creek DEIS  
   TechRpt- Land Use    Part 1-Spencer Creek Bridge (Chap 1-4)
   TechRpt- Socioeconomics    Part 2-Spencer Creek Bridge (Chap 5)
   TechRpt- Transportation    Part 3-Spencer Creek Bridge (Chap 6)
   TechRpt- Water Quality    Part 4-Spencer Creek Bridge (Chap 7-11)
   TechRpt- Wetlands   
  TechRpt-Visual Assessment FHWA Required Documentation for CatEx Projects
 Read Friendly Document Examples
   Hwy 199 Expressway - EA Documents
   Woodburn I/C EA - Exec. Summary & Ltr
 Removal/ Fill Permits
 DSL-USACOE Joint Permit App Form  
 Region Environmental Coordination
 Prospectus--Part 1  Environmental Checklist
 Prospectus--Part 2  Worksheets
 Prospectus--Part 3 CE Minimums Form (FHWA Required  Documentation for CatEx Projects)
 Roadside Development
 Beaverton  DES 05-02
 DES 20-01  OSU & SW Oregon
 OSU Select New Tree  Visual Report Template
 Portland  TechRpt-Visual Assessment
 Water Quality
 Delta Park Water Quality Report    Price and Yonge 1995
 Research Technical Documents    Tenney et al 1996
   Anderson 1992    Water Resources Issues
   Barks 1996    Wu et at 1998
   Barrett et al 1996    Yu et al 1998
   EPA 1995 Planning Considerations   
   Kaighn et al 1996  
* This information is restricted to Internal ODOT employees only.  Attempting to open this file outside the ODOT network will produce an error page.
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Page updated: September 22, 2008

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