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Product & Services Directory

Competitive - Competitive Mandatory - Mandatory Services - Services
Point of Contact - Point of Contact Non-mandatory - Non-mandatory Recycled - Recycled
Overview - Overview Buy Online - Buy Online

A - E
Engine Rebuild & Repair FSC J099     Services Point of Contact     Overview  
Engine, Electrical Systems Components, Repair & Rebuilding FSC J028, J029     Services Point of Contact     Overview  
Equipment Repair & Maintenance FSC J077     Services Point of Contact     Overview  
F - K
Generators, Generator Sets FSC 6115, 6150   Mandatory   Point of Contact     Overview  
L - Z
Materials Handling Equipment FSC 3990     Services Point of Contact        
Repair & Rebuild Vehicular Equipment Components FSC J025, J028, J029, J059     Services Point of Contact     Overview  
Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous FSC 2590, 2920   Mandatory   Point of Contact     Overview  
Vehicular Components, Remanufactured FSC J025, J029, J059 (Includes alternators, generators, differentials, regulators, starters, stators, rotors, rectifiers, transmissions, turret motor, etc.)     Services Point of Contact     Overview  
Vehicular Equipment Components, Repair & Rebuilding FSC J025, J029, J059     Services Point of Contact     Overview  

Competitive - Competitive Items listed as “competitive” on FPI’s Schedule of Products reflect those items that have been approved for production by FPI’s Board of Directors and added to the Schedule, under the premise that FPI will compete to obtain the business, just as any other private sector offerer.
Mandatory - Mandatory Federal customers are required to give procurement priority to FPI, when UNICOR is able to provide the desired product, within the required time frame, and at a competitive price. When FPI is unable to meet the customer's price, delivery and quality requirements, a waiver is granted.
Services - Services All services offered by FPI have always been considered as nonmandatory. As such, customers may purchase services from FPI directly, whenever they determine FPI’s service offerings are able to meet their needs.
Point of Contact - Point of Contact Link to product or service representative's email or phone and fax numbers.
Non-mandatory - Non-mandatory The mandatory source for this product has been administratively waived by FPI’s Board of Directors. In accordance with the Board’s resolution, customers who rely upon FPI to meet their product needs for these items may continue to purchase these items from FPI directly, of their own volition.
Alternatively, should the customer determine that it is in their best interests to procure the item through other means, the customer is not required to request a waiver from FPI. For those items where FPI’s mandatory source has been administratively waived, FPI must be given full visibility of the requirement (i.e., provided the same information and specifications as are provided to all private sector offerers) and a fair and equitable opportunity to submit a competitive offer.
Recycled - Recycled Greening/Recycled items.
Overview - Overview Link to product and service information.
Buy Online - Buy Online Link to the product in the UNICOR Online Store.
DoD Agencies: Please consult your contracting/procurement officer for guidance.
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