NCBI Entrez BLAST 2 sequences BLAST Example Help


This functionality is now available in the main BLAST pages and this link will be removed in the near future. Step-by-step instructions for use are available.

This tool produces the alignment of two given sequences using BLAST engine for local alignment.
The stand-alone executable for blasting two sequences (bl2seq) can be retrieved from NCBI ftp site
Reference: Tatiana A. Tatusova, Thomas L. Madden (1999), "Blast 2 sequences - a new tool for comparing protein and nucleotide sequences", FEMS Microbiol Lett. 174:247-250

Program Matrix
Parameters used in BLASTN program only:
Reward for a match:Penalty for a mismatch:

Use Mega BLAST   Strand option    View option    
Masking character option     Masking color option    
Show CDS translation
Open gap and extension gap penalties
gap x_dropoff expect word size Filter
Sequence 1
Enter accession, GI or sequence in FASTA format from:to:

or upload FASTA file
Sequence 2
Enter accession, GI or sequence in FASTA format from:to:

or upload FASTA file

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