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USCS Mission to the European Union

The United States and the European Union enjoy the largest economic relationship in the world - with almost $2 trillion in combined bilateral trade and investment. Working to ensure that European integration is a success for American business, the Foreign Commercial Service Office at the U.S. Mission to the European Union (CSEU) anticipates and responds to the needs of U.S. exporters, especially new-to-export, small and medium sized businesses, as well as U.S. businesses already operating in the EU. The office provides counseling, advocacy and specialized research related to EU technical and legal requirements for U.S. firms, EU programs whose benefits could result in increased market access for U.S. firms. In addition, the USCS Mission in Brussels covers market access and compliance issues which include Standards and Regulatory Policy, EU Member Public Procurement and Policy, and Trade Facilitation. Click on: to access their website. Be sure to visit the "EU Tenders" page to find out what projects your firm can bid on in the EU!